Displaying 961 – 980 of 3014

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On linear normal lattices configurations

Mordechay B. Levin, Meir Smorodinsky (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper we extend Champernowne’s construction of normal numbers in base b to the d case and obtain an explicit construction of the generic point of the d shift transformation of the set { 0 , 1 , . . . , b - 1 } d . We prove that the intersection of the considered lattice configuration with an arbitrary line is a normal sequence in base b .

On Linnik's theorem on Goldbach numbers in short intervals and related problems

Alessandro Languasco, Alberto Perelli (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Linnik proved, assuming the Riemann Hypothesis, that for any ϵ > 0 , the interval [ N , N + log 3 + ϵ N ] contains a number which is the sum of two primes, provided that N is sufficiently large. This has subsequently been improved to the same assertion being valid for the smaller gap C log 2 N , the added new ingredient being Selberg’s estimate for the mean-square of primes in short intervals. Here we give another proof of this sharper result which avoids the use of Selberg’s estimate and is therefore more in the spirit of Linnik’s...

On Li’s Coefficients for Some Classes of L-Functions

Odžak, Almasa (2010)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

AMS Subj. Classification: 11M41, 11M26, 11S40We study the generalized Li coefficients associated with the class S♯♭ of functions containing the Selberg class and (unconditionally) the class of all automorphic L-functions attached to irreducible unitary cuspidal representations of GLN(Q) and the class of L-functions attached to the Rankin-Selberg convolution of two unitary cuspidal automorphic representations π and π′ of GLm(AF ) and GLm′ (AF ). We deduce a full asymptotic expansion of the Archimedean...

On low-complexity bi-infinite words and their factors

Alex Heinis (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper we study bi-infinite words on two letters. We say that such a word has stiffness k if the number of different subwords of length n equals n + k for all n sufficiently large. The word is called k -balanced if the numbers of occurrences of the symbol a in any two subwords of the same length differ by at most k . In the present paper we give a complete description of the class of bi-infinite words of stiffness k and show that the number of subwords of length n from this class has growth order...

Currently displaying 961 – 980 of 3014