Displaying 1141 – 1160 of 3014

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On powerful numbers.

Mollin, R.A., Walsh, P.G. (1986)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

On prime factors of integers of the form (ab+1)(bc+1)(ca+1)

K. Győry, A. Sárközy (1997)

Acta Arithmetica

1. Introduction. For any integer n > 1 let P(n) denote the greatest prime factor of n. Győry, Sárközy and Stewart [5] conjectured that if a, b and c are pairwise distinct positive integers then (1) P((ab+1)(bc+1)(ca+1)) tends to infinity as max(a,b,c) → ∞. In this paper we confirm this conjecture in the special case when at least one of the numbers a, b, c, a/b, b/c, c/a has bounded prime factors. We prove our result in a quantitative form by showing that if is a finite set of triples (a,b,c)...

On prime values of reducible quadratic polynomials

W. Narkiewicz, T. Pezda (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is shown that Dickson’s Conjecture about primes in linear polynomials implies that if f is a reducible quadratic polynomial with integral coefficients and non-zero discriminant then for every r there exists an integer N r such that the polynomial f ( X ) / N r represents at least r distinct primes.

Currently displaying 1141 – 1160 of 3014