Displaying 1341 – 1360 of 3014

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On some equations over finite fields

Ioulia Baoulina (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper, following L. Carlitz we consider some special equations of n variables over the finite field of q elements. We obtain explicit formulas for the number of solutions of these equations, under a certain restriction on n and q .

On some Extremal Problems of Landau

Révész, Szilárd (2007)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 42A05. Secondary: 42A82, 11N05.The prime number theorem with error term presents itself as &pi'(x) = ∫2x [dt/ logt] + O ( x e- K logL x). In 1909, Edmund Landau provided a systematic analysis of the proof seeking better values of L and K. At a key point of his 1899 proof de la Vallée Poussin made use of the nonnegative trigonometric polynomial 2/3 (1+cos x)2 = 1+4/3 cosx +1/3 cos2x. Landau considered more general positive definite nonnegative...

Currently displaying 1341 – 1360 of 3014