Displaying 1381 – 1400 of 16555

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An effective proof of the hyperelliptic Shafarevich conjecture

Rafael von Känel (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let C be a hyperelliptic curve of genus g 1 over a number field K with good reduction outside a finite set of places S of K . We prove that C has a Weierstrass model over the ring of integers of K with height effectively bounded only in terms of g , S and K . In particular, we obtain that for any given number field K , finite set of places S of K and integer g 1 one can in principle determine the set of K -isomorphism classes of hyperelliptic curves over K of genus g with good reduction outside S .

An effective result of André-Oort type II

Lars Kühne (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

We prove some new effective results of André-Oort type. In particular, we state certain uniform improvements of the main result in [L. Kühne, Ann. of Math. 176 (2012), 651-671]. We also show that the equation X + Y = 1 has no solution in singular moduli. As a by-product, we indicate a simple trick rendering André's proof of the André-Oort conjecture effective. A significantly new aspect is the usage of both the Siegel-Tatuzawa theorem and the weak effective lower bound on the class number of an...

Currently displaying 1381 – 1400 of 16555