Displaying 41 – 60 of 173

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Exponential sums with coefficients 0 or 1 and concentrated L p norms

B. Anderson, J. M. Ash, R. L. Jones, D. G. Rider, B. Saffari (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A sum of exponentials of the form f ( x ) = exp 2 π i N 1 x + exp 2 π i N 2 x + + exp 2 π i N m x , where the N k are distinct integers is called an idempotent trigonometric polynomial (because the convolution of f with itself is f ) or, simply, an idempotent. We show that for every p > 1 , and every set E of the torus 𝕋 = / with | E | > 0 , there are idempotents concentrated on E in the L p sense. More precisely, for each p > 1 , there is an explicitly calculated constant C p > 0 so that for each E with | E | > 0 and ϵ > 0 one can find an idempotent f such that the ratio E | f | p / 𝕋 | f | p 1 / p is greater than C p - ϵ . This is in fact...

Fonctions définies dans le plan et vérifiant certaines propriétés de moyenne

Alain Yger (1981)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit a un réel de ] 0 , 1 [ . Nous étudions le système d’équations de convolution suivant ( * ) x R 2 , f ( x ) = 1 4 ϵ = ± 1 ϵ ' = ± 1 f ( x + ( ϵ , ϵ ' ) ) = 1 4 ϵ = ± 1 ϵ ' = ± 1 f ( x + a ( ϵ , ϵ ' ) ) . Nous démontrons que les exponentielles polynômes solutions de ( * ) sont denses dans l’espace des solutions C du système d’équations; l’idéal de ' ( R 2 ) engendré par les transformées de Fourier des deux mesures intervenant ici est “slowly decreasing” au sens de Berenstein-Taylor. Lorsque a n’est pas un nombre de Liouville, nous montrons qu’il existe un ouvert relativement compact telle que toute solution distribution de ( * ) régulière...

Galois module structure of rings of integers

Martin J. Taylor (1980)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let E / F be a Galois extension of number fields with Γ = Gal ( E / F ) and with property that the divisors of ( E : F ) are non-ramified in E / Q . We denote the ring of integers of E by 𝒪 E and we study 𝒪 E as a Z Γ -module. In particular we show that the fourth power of the (locally free) class of 𝒪 E is the trivial class. To obtain this result we use Fröhlich’s description of class groups of modules and his representative for the class of E , together with new determinantal congruences for cyclic group rings and corresponding congruences...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 173