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Classes of Commutative Clean Rings

Wolf Iberkleid, Warren Wm. McGovern (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Let A be a commutative ring with identity and I an ideal of A . A is said to be I - c l e a n if for every element a A there is an idempotent e = e 2 A such that a - e is a unit and a e belongs to I . A filter of ideals, say , of A is Noetherian if for each I there is a finitely generated ideal J such that J I . We characterize I -clean rings for the ideals 0 , n ( A ) , J ( A ) , and A , in terms of the frame of multiplicative Noetherian filters of ideals of A , as well as in terms of more classical ring properties.

Conditions under which R ( x ) and R x are almost Q-rings

Hani A. Khashan, H. Al-Ezeh (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

All rings considered in this paper are assumed to be commutative with identities. A ring R is a Q -ring if every ideal of R is a finite product of primary ideals. An almost Q -ring is a ring whose localization at every prime ideal is a Q -ring. In this paper, we first prove that the statements, R is an almost Z P I -ring and R [ x ] is an almost Q -ring are equivalent for any ring R . Then we prove that under the condition that every prime ideal of R ( x ) is an extension of a prime ideal of R , the ring R is a (an almost)...

Congruences and ideals in ternary rings

Ivan Chajda, Radomír Halaš, František Machala (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A ternary ring is an algebraic structure = ( R ; t , 0 , 1 ) of type ( 3 , 0 , 0 ) satisfying the identities t ( 0 , x , y ) = y = t ( x , 0 , y ) and t ( 1 , x , 0 ) = x = ( x , 1 , 0 ) where, moreover, for any a , b , c R there exists a unique d R with t ( a , b , d ) = c . A congruence θ on is called normal if / θ is a ternary ring again. We describe basic properties of the lattice of all normal congruences on and establish connections between ideals (introduced earlier by the third author) and congruence kernels.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 289