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Hyperplane arrangements and Milnor fibrations

Alexander I. Suciu (2014)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

There are several topological spaces associated to a complex hyperplane arrangement: the complement and its boundary manifold, as well as the Milnor fiber and its own boundary. All these spaces are related in various ways, primarily by a set of interlocking fibrations. We use cohomology with coefficients in rank 1 local systems on the complement of the arrangement to gain information on the homology of the other three spaces, and on the monodromy operators of the various fibrations.

Hyperplane section 𝕆 0 2 of the complex Cayley plane as the homogeneous space F 4 / P 4

Karel Pazourek, Vít Tuček, Peter Franek (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that the exceptional complex Lie group F 4 has a transitive action on the hyperplane section of the complex Cayley plane 𝕆 2 . Although the result itself is not new, our proof is elementary and constructive. We use an explicit realization of the vector and spin actions of Spin ( 9 , ) F 4 . Moreover, we identify the stabilizer of the F 4 -action as a parabolic subgroup P 4 (with Levi factor B 3 T 1 ) of the complex Lie group F 4 . In the real case we obtain an analogous realization of F 4 ( - 20 ) / .

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