Complete Intersections with Middle Picard Number 1 Defined over Q.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11G15, 11G18, 14H52, 14J25, 32L07.We call a complex (quasiprojective) surface of hyperbolic type, iff – after removing finitely many points and/or curves – the universal cover is the complex two-dimensional unit ball. We characterize abelian surfaces which have a birational transform of hyperbolic type by the existence of a reduced divisor with only elliptic curve components and maximal singularity rate (equal to 4). We discover a Picard modular surface of...
On démontre la formule d’orientations complexes pour les -courbes dans de degré ayant nids. Cette formule généralise celle pour les -courbes à nid profond. C’est un pas vers la classification des -courbes de degré .