Displaying 441 – 460 of 807

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Stable twisted curves and their r -spin structures

Alessandro Chiodo (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The subject of this article is the notion of r -spin structure: a line bundle whose r th power is isomorphic to the canonical bundle. Over the moduli functor M g of smooth genus- g curves, r -spin structures form a finite torsor under the group of r -torsion line bundles. Over the moduli functor M ¯ g of stable curves, r -spin structures form an étale stack, but both the finiteness and the torsor structure are lost.In the present work, we show how this bad picture can be definitely improved just by placing...

Stable vector bundles over cuspidal cubics

Lesya Bodnarchuk, Yuriy Drozd (2003)

Open Mathematics

We give a complete classification of stable vector bundles over a cuspidal cubic and calculate their cohomologies. The technique of matrix problems is used, similar to [2, 3].

Stably rational algebraic tori

Valentin E. Voskresenskii (1999)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

The rationality of a stably rational torus with a cyclic splitting field is proved.

Stacks of group representations

Paul Balmer (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We start with a small paradigm shift about group representations, namely the observation that restriction to a subgroup can be understood as an extension-of-scalars. We deduce that, given a group G , the derived and the stable categories of representations of a subgroup H can be constructed out of the corresponding category for G by a purely triangulated-categorical construction, analogous to étale extension in algebraic geometry. In the case of finite groups, we then use descent methods to investigate...

Stein open subsets with analytic complements in compact complex spaces

Jing Zhang (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let Y be an open subset of a reduced compact complex space X such that X - Y is the support of an effective divisor D. If X is a surface and D is an effective Weil divisor, we give sufficient conditions so that Y is Stein. If X is of pure dimension d ≥ 1 and X - Y is the support of an effective Cartier divisor D, we show that Y is Stein if Y contains no compact curves, H i ( Y , Y ) = 0 for all i > 0, and for every point x₀ ∈ X-Y there is an n ∈ ℕ such that Φ | n D | - 1 ( Φ | n D | ( x ) ) Y is empty or has dimension 0, where Φ | n D | is the map from...

Strata of smooth space curves having unstable normal bundle

Luciana Ramella (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Per d g , vengono trovate curve liscie in P 3 di grado d e genere g aventi fibrato normale instabile con grado di instabilità σ , per ogni 1 σ d - 4 . Inoltre per 4 g - 2 σ d - 4 , viene trovata una famiglia di curve in P 3 di grado d e genere g avente fibrato normale instabile con grado di instabilità σ e formante uno strato dello schema di Hilbert della giusta dimensione che è 4 d - g + 1 - 2 σ .

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 807