Displaying 61 – 80 of 640

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Characteres and Galois invariants of regular dessins.

Manfred Streit, Jürgen Wolfart (2000)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We describe a new invariant for the action of the absolute Galois groups on the set of Grothendieck dessins. It uses the fact that the automorphism groups of regular dessins are isomorphic to automorphism groups of the corresponding Riemman surfaces and define linear represenatations of the space of holomorphic differentials. The characters of these representations give more precise information about the action of the Galois group than all previously known invariants, as it is shown by a series...

Characterization of jacobian Newton polygons of plane branches and new criteria of irreducibility

Evelia R. García Barroso, Janusz Gwoździewicz (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we characterize, in two different ways, the Newton polygons which are jacobian Newton polygons of a plane branch. These characterizations give in particular combinatorial criteria of irreducibility for complex series in two variables and necessary conditions which a complex curve has to satisfy in order to be the discriminant of a complex plane branch.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 640