Displaying 141 – 160 of 381

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Improvement of Grauert-Riemenschneider's theorem for a normal surface

Jean Giraud (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let X ˜ be a desingularization of a normal surface X . The group Pic ( X ˜ ) is provided with an order relation L _ 0 , defined by L . V 0 for any effective exceptional divisor V . Comparing to the usual order relation we define the ceiling of L which is an exceptional divisor. This notion allows us to improve the usual vanishing theorem and we deduce from it a numerical criterion for rationality and a genus formula for a curve on a normal surface; the difficulty lies in the case of a Weil divisor which is not a Cartier...

Invariante Divisoren und Schnitthomologie von torischen Varietäten

Gottfried Barthel, Jean-Paul Brasselet, Karl-Heinz Fieseler, Ludger Kaup (1996)

Banach Center Publications

In this article, we complete the interpretation of groups of classes of invariant divisors on a complex toric variety X of dimension n in terms of suitable (co-) homology groups. In [BBFK], we proved the following result (see Satz 1 below): Let C l D i v C ( X ) and C l D i v W ( X ) denote the groups of classes of invariant Cartier resp. Weil divisors on X. If X is non degenerate (i.e., not equivariantly isomorphic to the product of a toric variety and a torus of positive dimension), then the natural homomorphisms C l D i v C ( X ) H 2 ( X ) and C l D i v W ( X ) H 2 n - 2 c l d ( X ) are...

Killing divisor classes by algebraisation

Alexandru Buium (1985)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

It is proved that any isolated singularity of complete intersection has an algebraisation whose divisor class group is finitely generated.

Line bundles with partially vanishing cohomology

Burt Totaro (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Define a line bundle L on a projective variety to be q -ample, for a natural number q , if tensoring with high powers of L kills coherent sheaf cohomology above dimension q . Thus 0-ampleness is the usual notion of ampleness. We show that q -ampleness of a line bundle on a projective variety in characteristic zero is equivalent to the vanishing of an explicit finite list of cohomology groups. It follows that q -ampleness is a Zariski open condition, which is not clear from the definition.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 381