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An alternative way to classify some Generalized Elliptic Curves and their isotopic loops

Lucien Bénéteau, M. Abou Hashish (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The Generalized Elliptic Curves ( GECs ) are pairs ( Q , T ) , where T is a family of triples ( x , y , z ) of “points” from the set Q characterized by equalities of the form x . y = z , where the law x . y makes Q into a totally symmetric quasigroup. Isotopic loops arise by setting x * y = u . ( x . y ) . When ( x . y ) . ( a . b ) = ( x . a ) . ( y . b ) , identically ( Q , T ) is an entropic GEC and ( Q , * ) is an abelian group. Similarly, a terentropic GEC may be characterized by x 2 . ( a . b ) = ( x . a ) ( x . b ) and ( Q , * ) is then a Commutative Moufang Loop ( CML ) . If in addition x 2 = x , we have Hall GECs and ( Q , * ) is an exponent 3

An explicit algebraic family of genus-one curves violating the Hasse principle

Bjorn Poonen (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We prove that for any t 𝐐 , the curve 5 x 3 + 9 y 3 + 10 z 3 + 12 t 2 + 82 t 2 + 22 3 ( x + y + z ) 3 = 0 in 𝐏 2 is a genus 1 curve violating the Hasse principle. An explicit Weierstrass model for its jacobian E t is given. The Shafarevich-Tate group of each E t contains a subgroup isomorphic to 𝐙 / 3 × 𝐙 / 3 .

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