Displaying 21 – 40 of 52

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A remarkable contraction of semisimple Lie algebras

Dmitri I. Panyushev, Oksana S. Yakimova (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Recently, E.Feigin introduced a very interesting contraction 𝔮 of a semisimple Lie algebra 𝔤 (see arXiv:1007.0646 and arXiv:1101.1898). We prove that these non-reductive Lie algebras retain good invariant-theoretic properties of 𝔤 . For instance, the algebras of invariants of both adjoint and coadjoint representations of 𝔮 are free, and also the enveloping algebra of 𝔮 is a free module over its centre.

A Smooth Four-Dimensional G-Hilbert Scheme

Sebestean, Magda (2004)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14C05, 14L30, 14E15, 14J35.When the cyclic group G of order 15 acts with some specific weights on affine four-dimensional space, the G-Hilbert scheme is a crepant resolution of the quotient A^4 / G. We give an explicit description of this resolution using G-graphs.

Actions of parabolic subgroups in GL_n on unipotent normal subgroups and quasi-hereditary algebras

Thomas Brüstle, Lutz Hille (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let R be a parabolic subgroup in G L n . It acts on its unipotent radical R u and on any unipotent normal subgroup U via conjugation. Let Λ be the path algebra k t of a directed Dynkin quiver of type with t vertices and B a subbimodule of the radical of Λ viewed as a Λ-bimodule. Each parabolic subgroup R is the group of automorphisms of an algebra Λ(d), which is Morita equivalent to Λ. The action of R on U can be described using matrices over the bimodule B. The advantage of this description is that each...

AK-invariant, some conjectures, examples and counterexamples

L. Makar-Limanov (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

In my talk I am going to remind you what is the AK-invariant and give examples of its usefulness. I shall also discuss basic conjectures about this invariant and some positive and negative results related to these conjectures.

Algebraic leaves of algebraic foliations over number fields

Jean-Benoît Bost (2001)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

We prove an algebraicity criterion for leaves of algebraic foliations defined over number fields. Namely, consider a number field K embedded in C , a smooth algebraic variety X over K , equipped with a K - rational point P , and F an algebraic subbundle of the its tangent bundle T X , defined over K . Assume moreover that the vector bundle F is involutive, i.e., closed under Lie bracket. Then it defines an holomorphic foliation of the analytic manifold X ( C ) , and one may consider its leaf F through P . We prove...

Algebras with finitely generated invariant subalgebras

Ivan V. Arzhantsev (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We classify all finitely generated integral algebras with a rational action of a reductive group such that any invariant subalgebra is finitely generated. Some results on affine embeddings of homogeneous spaces are also given.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 52