Displaying 601 – 620 of 3007

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Companion matrices and their relations to Toeplitz and Hankel matrices

Yousong Luo, Robin Hill (2015)

Special Matrices

In this paper we describe some properties of companion matrices and demonstrate some special patterns that arisewhen a Toeplitz or a Hankel matrix is multiplied by a related companion matrix.We present a necessary and sufficient condition, generalizing known results, for a matrix to be the transforming matrix for a similarity between a pair of companion matrices. A special case of our main result shows that a Toeplitz or a Hankel matrix can be extended using associated companion matrices, preserving...

Comparison between two types of large sample covariance matrices

Guangming Pan (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let { X i j } , i , j = , be a double array of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) real random variables with E X 11 = μ , E | X 11 - μ | 2 = 1 and E | X 11 | 4 l t ; . Consider sample covariance matrices (with/without empirical centering) 𝒮 = 1 n j = 1 n ( 𝐬 j - 𝐬 ¯ ) ( 𝐬 j - 𝐬 ¯ ) T and 𝐒 = 1 n j = 1 n 𝐬 j 𝐬 j T , where 𝐬 ¯ = 1 n j = 1 n 𝐬 j and 𝐬 j = 𝐓 n 1 / 2 ( X 1 j , ... , X p j ) T with ( 𝐓 n 1 / 2 ) 2 = 𝐓 n , non-random symmetric non-negative definite matrix. It is proved that central limit theorems of eigenvalue statistics of 𝒮 and 𝐒 are different as n with p / n approaching a positive constant. Moreover, it is also proved that such a different behavior is not observed in the average behavior...

Comparison of Metric Spectral Gaps

Assaf Naor (2014)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

Let A = (aij) ∊ Mn(ℝ) be an n by n symmetric stochastic matrix. For p ∊ [1, ∞) and a metric space (X, dX), let γ(A, dpx) be the infimum over those γ ∊ (0,∞] for which every x1, . . . , xn ∊ X satisfy [...] Thus γ (A, dpx) measures the magnitude of the nonlinear spectral gap of the matrix A with respect to the kernel dpX : X × X →[0,∞). We study pairs of metric spaces (X, dX) and (Y, dY ) for which there exists Ψ: (0,∞)→(0,∞) such that γ (A, dpX) ≤Ψ (A, dpY ) for every symmetric stochastic A ∊ Mn(ℝ)...

Complementary matrices in the inclusion principle for dynamic controllers

Lubomír Bakule, José Rodellar, Josep M. Rossell (2003)


A generalized structure of complementary matrices involved in the input-state- output Inclusion Principle for linear time-invariant systems (LTI) including contractibility conditions for static state feedback controllers is well known. In this paper, it is shown how to further extend this structure in a systematic way when considering contractibility of dynamic controllers. Necessary and sufficient conditions for contractibility are proved in terms of both unstructured and block structured complementary...

Complementary triangular forms

Rob Zuidwijk (1997)

Banach Center Publications

The notion of simultaneous reduction of pairs of matrices and linear operators to triangular forms is introduced and a survey of known material on the subject is given. Further, some open problems are pointed out throughout the text. The paper is meant to be accessible to the non-specialist and does not contain any new results or proofs.

Complete solution of tropical vector inequalities using matrix sparsification

Nikolai Krivulin (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

We examine the problem of finding all solutions of two-sided vector inequalities given in the tropical algebra setting, where the unknown vector multiplied by known matrices appears on both sides of the inequality. We offer a solution that uses sparse matrices to simplify the problem and to construct a family of solution sets, each defined by a sparse matrix obtained from one of the given matrices by setting some of its entries to zero. All solutions are then combined to present the result in a...

Completely positive matrices over Boolean algebras and their CP-rank

Preeti Mohindru (2015)

Special Matrices

Drew, Johnson and Loewy conjectured that for n ≥ 4, the CP-rank of every n × n completely positive real matrix is at most [n2/4]. In this paper, we prove this conjecture for n × n completely positive matrices over Boolean algebras (finite or infinite). In addition,we formulate various CP-rank inequalities of completely positive matrices over special semirings using semiring homomorphisms.

Complexity of computing interval matrix powers for special classes of matrices

David Hartman, Milan Hladík (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

Computing powers of interval matrices is a computationally hard problem. Indeed, it is NP-hard even when the exponent is 3 and the matrices only have interval components in one row and one column. Motivated by this result, we consider special types of interval matrices where the interval components occupy specific positions. We show that computing the third power of matrices with only one column occupied by interval components can be solved in cubic time; so the asymptotic time complexity is the...

Computation of linear algebraic equations with solvability verification over multi-agent networks

Xianlin Zeng, Kai Cao (2017)


In this paper, we consider the problem of solving a linear algebraic equation A x = b in a distributed way by a multi-agent system with a solvability verification requirement. In the problem formulation, each agent knows a few columns of A , different from the previous results with assuming that each agent knows a few rows of A and b . Then, a distributed continuous-time algorithm is proposed for solving the linear algebraic equation from a distributed constrained optimization viewpoint. The algorithm is...

Computation of some examples of Brown's spectral measure in free probability

Philippe Biane, Franz Lehner (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We use free probability techniques to compute spectra and Brown measures of some non-hermitian operators in finite von Neumann algebras. Examples include u + u where uₙ and u are the generators of ℤₙ and ℤ respectively, in the free product ℤₙ*ℤ, or elliptic elements of the form S α + i S β where S α and S β are free semicircular elements of variance α and β.

Currently displaying 601 – 620 of 3007