Displaying 761 – 780 of 3007

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Divisible ℤ-modules

Yuichi Futa, Yasunari Shidama (2016)

Formalized Mathematics

In this article, we formalize the definition of divisible ℤ-module and its properties in the Mizar system [3]. We formally prove that any non-trivial divisible ℤ-modules are not finitely-generated.We introduce a divisible ℤ-module, equivalent to a vector space of a torsion-free ℤ-module with a coefficient ring ℚ. ℤ-modules are important for lattice problems, LLL (Lenstra, Lenstra and Lovász) base reduction algorithm [15], cryptographic systems with lattices [16] and coding theory [8].

D-optimal and highly D-efficient designs with non-negatively correlated observations

Krystyna Katulska, Łukasz Smaga (2016)


In this paper we consider D-optimal and highly D-efficient chemical balance weighing designs. The errors are assumed to be equally non-negatively correlated and to have equal variances. Some necessary and sufficient conditions under which a design is D*-optimal design (regular D-optimal design) are proved. It is also shown that in many cases D*-optimal design does not exist. In many of those cases the designs constructed by Masaro and Wong (2008) and some new designs are shown to be highly D-efficient....

Doubly stochastic matrices and the Bruhat order

Richard A. Brualdi, Geir Dahl, Eliseu Fritscher (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The Bruhat order is defined in terms of an interchange operation on the set of permutation matrices of order n which corresponds to the transposition of a pair of elements in a permutation. We introduce an extension of this partial order, which we call the stochastic Bruhat order, for the larger class Ω n of doubly stochastic matrices (convex hull of n × n permutation matrices). An alternative description of this partial order is given. We define a class of special faces of Ω n induced by permutation matrices,...

Dynamics of doubly stochastic quadratic operators on a finite-dimensional simplex

Rawad Abdulghafor, Farruh Shahidi, Akram Zeki, Sherzod Turaev (2016)

Open Mathematics

The present paper focuses on the dynamics of doubly stochastic quadratic operators (d.s.q.o) on a finite-dimensional simplex. We prove that if a d.s.q.o. has no periodic points then the trajectory of any initial point inside the simplex is convergent. We show that if d.s.q.o. is not a permutation then it has no periodic points on the interior of the two dimensional (2D) simplex. We also show that this property fails in higher dimensions. In addition, the paper also discusses the dynamics classifications...

Efficient measurement of higher-order statistics of stochastic processes

Wladyslaw Magiera, Urszula Libal, Agnieszka Wielgus (2018)


This paper is devoted to analysis of block multi-indexed higher-order covariance matrices, which can be used for the least-squares estimation problem. The formulation of linear and nonlinear least squares estimation problems is proposed, showing that their statements and solutions lead to generalized `normal equations', employing covariance matrices of the underlying processes. Then, we provide a class of efficient algorithms to estimate higher-order statistics (generalized multi-indexed covariance...

Currently displaying 761 – 780 of 3007