Displaying 1981 – 2000 of 3959

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On rings with a unique proper essential right ideal

O. A. S. Karamzadeh, M. Motamedi, S. M. Shahrtash (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Right ue-rings (rings with the property of the title, i.e., with the maximality of the right socle) are investigated. It is shown that a semiprime ring R is a right ue-ring if and only if R is a regular V-ring with the socle being a maximal right ideal, and if and only if the intrinsic topology of R is non-discrete Hausdorff and dense proper right ideals are semisimple. It is proved that if R is a right self-injective right ue-ring (local right ue-ring), then R is never semiprime and is Artin semisimple...

On S -Noetherian rings

Zhongkui Liu (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let R be a commutative ring and S R a given multiplicative set. Let ( M , ) be a strictly ordered monoid satisfying the condition that 0 m for every m M . Then it is shown, under some additional conditions, that the generalized power series ring [ [ R M , ] ] is S -Noetherian if and only if R is S -Noetherian and M is finitely generated.

On self-injective algebras of finite representation type

Marta Błaszkiewicz, Andrzej Skowroński (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We describe the structure of finite-dimensional self-injective algebras of finite representation type over a field whose stable Auslander-Reiten quiver has a sectional module not lying on a short chain.

On selfinjective algebras of tilted type

Andrzej Skowroński, Kunio Yamagata (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We provide a characterization of all finite-dimensional selfinjective algebras over a field K which are socle equivalent to a prominent class of selfinjective algebras of tilted type.

On semifir monoid rings.

Ferrán Cedó Gine (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We give a new condition on a monoid M for the monoid ring F[M] to be a 2-fir. Furthermore, we construct a monoid M that satisfies all the currently known necessary conditions for F[M] to be a semifir and that the group of units of M is trivial, but M is not a directed union of free monoids.

On semi-invariants of tilted algebras of type Aₙ

Witold Kraśkiewicz (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that for algebras obtained by tilts from the path algebras of equioriented Dynkin diagrams of type Aₙ, the rings of semi-invariants are polynomial.

Currently displaying 1981 – 2000 of 3959