Algèbres d'Azumaya et modules projectives.
We show that some iterated Ore extensions have the same behaviour with respect to injective resolutions as Gorenstein commutative rings.
Nous continuons dans ce second article, l’étude des outils algébrique de l’algèbre de la caractéristique 1 : nous examinons plus spécialement ici les algèbres de polynômes sur un semi-corps idempotent. Ce travail est motivé par le développement de la géométrie tropicale qui apparaît comme étant la géométrie algébrique de l’algèbre tropicale. En fait l’objet algébrique le plus intéressant est l’image de l’algèbre de polynôme dans son semi-corps des fractions. Nous pouvons ainsi retrouver sur les...
À toute classe dans le groupe de Brauer d’un corps sont associés deux entiers, l’indice (degré d’un corps gauche représentant la classe) et l’exposant (ordre de la classe dans le groupe de Brauer). L’exposant divise l’indice, mais ne lui est pas nécessairement égal. Lorsque est un corps de nombres, c’est un théorème des années 1930 qu’exposant et indice coïncident. A. J. de Jong (Duke Math. J. 123 (2004) 71-94) a montré récemment qu’ils coïncident aussi lorsque est un corps de fonctions de...
A ring is defined to be left almost Abelian if implies for and , where and stand respectively for the set of idempotents and the set of nilpotents of . Some characterizations and properties of such rings are included. It follows that if is a left almost Abelian ring, then is -regular if and only if is an ideal of and is regular. Moreover it is proved that (1) is an Abelian ring if and only if is a left almost Abelian left idempotent reflexive ring. (2) is strongly...
We take a complementary view to the Auslander-Reiten trend of thought: Instead of specializing a module category to the level where the existence of an almost split sequence is inferred, we explore the structural consequences that result if we assume the existence of a single almost split sequence under the most general conditions. We characterize the structure of the bimodule with an underlying ring solely assuming that there exists an almost split sequence of left -modules . and are...
Let A be an Artin algebra and let be an almost split sequence of A-modules with the indecomposable. Suppose that X has a projective predecessor and Z has an injective successor in the Auslander-Reiten quiver of A. Then r ≤ 4, and r = 4 implies that one of the is projective-injective. Moreover, if is a source map with the indecomposable and X on an oriented cycle in , then t ≤ 4 and at most three of the are not projective. The dual statement for a sink map holds. Finally, if an arrow...
We present general properties for almost-flat modules and we prove that a self-small right module is almost flat as a left module over its endomorphism ring if and only if the class of -static modules is closed under the kernels.
The aim of this note is to express a module which is localized as well as colocalized in terms of an object of an intersecting subcategory related to static modules.