Displaying 21 – 40 of 669

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ℵ-products of modules and splitness.

Feng Lianggui (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let0 → ∏ℵI Mα ⎯λ→ ∏I Mα ⎯γ→ Coker λ → 0 be an exact sequence of modules, in which ℵ is an infinite cardinal, λ the natural injection and γ the natural surjection. In this paper, the conditions are given mainly in the four theorems so that λ (γ respectively) is split or locally split. Consequently, some known results are generalized. In particular, Theorem 1 of [7] and Theorem 1.6 of [5] are improved.

(Strongly) Gorenstein injective modules over upper triangular matrix Artin algebras

Chao Wang, Xiao Yan Yang (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let Λ = A M 0 B be an Artin algebra. In view of the characterization of finitely generated Gorenstein injective Λ -modules under the condition that M is a cocompatible ( A , B ) -bimodule, we establish a recollement of the stable category Ginj ( Λ ) ¯ . We also determine all strongly complete injective resolutions and all strongly Gorenstein injective modules over Λ .


В.И. Зильбер (1974)

Algebra i Logika


Loïc Foissy, Frédéric Patras, Jean-Yves Thibon (0)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Alessandro Ardizzoni, Federica Galluzzi, Francesco Vaccarino (0)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

α -modules and generalized submodules

Rafiquddin Rafiquddin, Ayazul Hasan, Mohammad Fareed Ahmad (2019)

Communications in Mathematics

A QTAG-module M is an α -module, where α is a limit ordinal, if M / H β ( M ) is totally projective for every ordinal β < α . In the present paper α -modules are studied with the help of α -pure submodules, α -basic submodules, and α -large submodules. It is found that an α -closed α -module is an α -injective. For any ordinal ω α ω 1 we prove that an α -large submodule L of an ω 1 -module M is summable if and only if M is summable.

Λ-modules and holomorphic Lie algebroid connections

Pietro Tortella (2012)

Open Mathematics

Let X be a complex smooth projective variety, and G a locally free sheaf on X. We show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between pairs (Λ, Ξ), where Λ is a sheaf of almost polynomial filtered algebras over X satisfying Simpson’s axioms and : G r Λ S y m 𝒪 X 𝒢 is an isomorphism, and pairs (L, Σ), where L is a holomorphic Lie algebroid structure on 𝒢 and Σ is a class in F 1 H 2(L, ℂ), the first Hodge filtration piece of the second cohomology of L. As an application, we construct moduli spaces of semistable...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 669