Displaying 41 – 60 of 669

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τ -supplemented modules and τ -weakly supplemented modules

Muhammet Tamer Koşan (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

Given a hereditary torsion theory τ = ( 𝕋 , 𝔽 ) in Mod- R , a module M is called τ -supplemented if every submodule A of M contains a direct summand C of M with A / C τ - torsion. A submodule V of M is called τ -supplement of U in M if U + V = M and U V τ ( V ) and M is τ -weakly supplemented if every submodule...

ω 1 -generated uniserial modules over chain rings

Jan Žemlička (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The purpose of this paper is to provide a criterion of an occurrence of uncountably generated uniserial modules over chain rings. As we show it suffices to investigate two extreme cases, nearly simple chain rings, i.e. chain rings containing only three two-sided ideals, and chain rings with “many” two-sided ideals. We prove that there exists an ω 1 -generated uniserial module over every non-artinian nearly simple chain ring and over chain rings containing an uncountable strictly increasing (resp. decreasing)...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 669