Rigid left Noetherian rings.
We prove that generalized Verma modules induced from generic Gelfand-Zetlin modules, and generalized Verma modules associated with Enright-complete modules, are rigid. Their Loewy lengths and quotients of the unique Loewy filtrations are calculated for the regular block of the corresponding category 𝒪(𝔭,Λ).
In an Artinian ring R every element of R can be expressed as the sum of two units if and only if R/J(R) does not contain a summand isomorphic to the field with two elements. This result is used to describe those finite rings R for which Γ(R) contains a Hamiltonian cycle where Γ(R) is the (simple) graph defined on the elements of R with an edge between vertices r and s if and only if r - s is invertible. It is also shown that for an Artinian ring R the number of connected components of the graph...
We define and investigate Ringel-Hall algebras of coalgebras (usually infinite-dimensional). We extend Ringel's results [Banach Center Publ. 26 (1990) and Adv. Math. 84 (1990)] from finite-dimensional algebras to infinite-dimensional coalgebras.
Ring-like operations are introduced in pseudocomplemented semilattices in such a way that in the case of Boolean pseudocomplemented semilattices one obtains the corresponding Boolean ring operations. Properties of these ring-like operations are derived and a characterization of Boolean pseudocomplemented semilattices in terms of these operations is given. Finally, ideals in the ring-like structures are defined and characterized.
We completely determine when a ring consists entirely of weak idempotents, units and nilpotents. We prove that such ring is exactly isomorphic to one of the following: a Boolean ring; ; where is a Boolean ring; local ring with nil Jacobson radical; or ; or the ring of a Morita context with zero pairings where the underlying rings are or .
We present new characterizations of the rings for which every element is a sum of two tripotents and a nilpotent that commute. These extend the results of Z. L. Ying, M. T. Koşan, Y. Zhou (2016) and Y. Zhou (2018).
The aim of this paper is to consider the ringswhich can be graded by completely simple semigroups. We show that each G-graded ring has an orthonormal basis, where G is a completely simple semigroup. We prove that if I is a complete homogeneous ideal of a G-graded ring R, then R/I is a G-graded ring.We deduce a characterization of the maximal ideals of a G-graded ring which are homogeneous. We also prove that if R is a Noetherian graded ring, then each summand of it is also a Noetherian module..
An element in a ring is called CJ if it is of the form , where belongs to the center and is an element from the Jacobson radical. A ring is called CJ if each element of is CJ. We establish the basic properties of CJ rings, give several characterizations of these rings, and connect this notion with many standard elementwise properties such as clean, uniquely clean, nil clean, CN, and CU. We study the behavior of this notion under various ring extensions. In particular, we show that the...