-biregular rings
Let be a ring and a right -module. is called -cofinitely supplemented if every submodule of with finitely generated has a supplement that is a direct summand of . In this paper various properties of the -cofinitely supplemented modules are given. It is shown that (1) Arbitrary direct sum of -cofinitely supplemented modules is -cofinitely supplemented. (2) A ring is semiperfect if and only if every free -module is -cofinitely supplemented. In addition, if has the summand sum...
The duals of -compact modules are briefly discussed.
We will consider unital rings A with free additive group, and want to construct (in ZFC) for each natural number k a family of -free A-modules G which are separable as abelian groups with special decompositions. Recall that an A-module G is -free if every subset of size is contained in a free submodule (we will refine this in Definition 3.2); and it is separable as an abelian group if any finite subset of G is contained in a free direct summand of G. Despite the fact that such a module G is...
It is known that a ring is left Noetherian if and only if every left -module has an injective (pre)cover. We show that if is a right -coherent ring, then every right -module has an -injective (pre)cover; if is a ring such that every -injective right -module is -pure extending, and if every right -module has an -injective cover, then is right -coherent. As applications of these results, we give some characterizations of -rings, von Neumann regular rings and semisimple rings....
We develop a general axiomatic theory of algebraic pairs, which simultaneously generalizes several algebraic structures, in order to bypass negation as much as feasible. We investigate several classical theorems and notions in this setting including fractions, integral extensions, and Hilbert's Nullstellensatz. Finally, we study a notion of growth in this context.
There is an increasing body of evidence that prime near-rings with derivations have ring like behavior, indeed, there are several results (see for example [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [8]) asserting that the existence of a suitably-constrained derivation on a prime near-ring forces the near-ring to be a ring. It is our purpose to explore further this ring like behaviour. In this paper we generalize some of the results due to Bell and Mason [4] on near-rings admitting a special type of derivation...
Let be a semiprime ring with unity and , be automorphisms of . In this paper it is shown that if satisfies for all and some fixed integer , then is an (, )-derivation. Moreover, this result makes it possible to prove that if admits an additive mappings satisfying the relations for all and some fixed integer , then and are (, )derivations under some torsion restriction. Finally, we apply these purely ring theoretic results to semi-simple Banach algebras.
The class of almost completely decomposable groups with a critical typeset of type (1,4) and a homocyclic regulator quotient of exponent p³ is shown to be of bounded representation type. There are precisely four near-isomorphism classes of indecomposables, all of rank 6.
The main result of the note is a characterization of 1-amenability of Banach algebras of approximable operators for a class of Banach spaces with 1-unconditional bases in terms of a new basis property. It is also shown that amenability and symmetric amenability are equivalent concepts for Banach algebras of approximable operators, and that a type of Banach space that was long suspected to lack property 𝔸 has in fact the property. Some further ideas on the problem of whether or not amenability (in...
We investigate 2-local Jordan automorphisms on operator algebras. In particular, we show that every 2-local Jordan automorphism of the algebra of all n× n real or complex matrices is either an automorphism or an anti-automorphism. The same is true for 2-local Jordan automorphisms of any subalgebra of ℬ which contains the ideal of all compact operators on X, where X is a real or complex separable Banach spaces and ℬ is the algebra of all bounded linear operators on X.
Let X and Y be complex Banach spaces of dimension greater than 2. We show that every 2-local Lie isomorphism ϕ of B(X) onto B(Y) has the form ϕ = φ + τ, where φ is an isomorphism or the negative of an anti-isomorphism of B(X) onto B(Y), and τ is a homogeneous map from B(X) into ℂI vanishing on all finite sums of commutators.