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Self-injective Von Neumann regular subrings and a theorem of Pere Menal.

Carl Faith (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

This paper owes its origins to Pere Menal and his work on Von Neumann Regular (= VNR) rings, especially his work listed in the bibliography on when the tensor product K = A ⊗K B of two algebras over a field k are right self-injective (= SI) or VNR. Pere showed that then A and B both enjoy the same property, SI or VNR, and furthermore that either A and B are algebraic algebras over k (see [M]). This is connected with a lemma in the proof of the Hilbert Nullstellensatz, namely a finite ring extension...

Some results on ( n , d ) -injective modules, ( n , d ) -flat modules and n -coherent rings

Zhanmin Zhu (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let n , d be two non-negative integers. A left R -module M is called ( n , d ) -injective, if Ext d + 1 ( N , M ) = 0 for every n -presented left R -module N . A right R -module V is called ( n , d ) -flat, if Tor d + 1 ( V , N ) = 0 for every n -presented left R -module N . A left R -module M is called weakly n - F P -injective, if Ext n ( N , M ) = 0 for every ( n + 1 ) -presented left R -module N . A right R -module V is called weakly n -flat, if Tor n ( V , N ) = 0 for every ( n + 1 ) -presented left R -module N . In this paper, we give some characterizations and properties of ( n , d ) -injective modules and ( n , d ) -flat modules in the cases...

Some results on quasi-Frobenius rings

Zhanmin Zhu (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We give some new characterizations of quasi-Frobenius rings by the generalized injectivity of rings. Some characterizations give affirmative answers to some open questions about quasi-Frobenius rings; and some characterizations improve some results on quasi-Frobenius rings.

Split-null extensions of strongly right bounded rings.

Gary F. Birkenmeier (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

A ring is said to be strongly right bounded if every nonzero right ideal contains a nonzero ideal. In this paper strongly right bounded rings are characterized, conditions are determined which ensure that the split-null (or trivial) extension of a ring is strongly right bounded, and we characterize strongly right bounded right quasi-continuous split-null extensions of a left faithful ideal over a semiprime ring. This last result partially generalizes a result of C. Faith concerning split-null extensions...

Strongly 𝒲 -Gorenstein modules

Husheng Qiao, Zongyang Xie (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝒲 be a self-orthogonal class of left R -modules. We introduce a class of modules, which is called strongly 𝒲 -Gorenstein modules, and give some equivalent characterizations of them. Many important classes of modules are included in these modules. It is proved that the class of strongly 𝒲 -Gorenstein modules is closed under finite direct sums. We also give some sufficient conditions under which the property of strongly 𝒲 -Gorenstein module can be inherited by its submodules and quotient modules....

Strongly graded left FTF rings.

José Gómez, Blas Torrecillas (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

An associated ring R with identity is said to be a left FTF ring when the class of the submodules of flat left R-modules is closed under injective hulls and direct products. We prove (Theorem 3.5) that a strongly graded ring R by a locally finite group G is FTF if and only if Re is left FTF, where e is a neutral element of G. This provides new examples of left FTF rings. Some consequences of this Theorem are given.

Strongly ( 𝒯 , n ) -coherent rings, ( 𝒯 , n ) -semihereditary rings and ( 𝒯 , n ) -regular rings

Zhanmin Zhu (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝒯 be a weak torsion class of left R -modules and n a positive integer. A left R -module M is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -injective if Ext R n ( C , M ) = 0 for each ( 𝒯 , n + 1 ) -presented left R -module C ; a right R -module M is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -flat if Tor n R ( M , C ) = 0 for each ( 𝒯 , n + 1 ) -presented left R -module C ; a left R -module M is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -projective if Ext R n ( M , N ) = 0 for each ( 𝒯 , n ) -injective left R -module N ; the ring R is called strongly ( 𝒯 , n ) -coherent if whenever 0 K P C 0 is exact, where C is ( 𝒯 , n + 1 ) -presented and P is finitely generated projective, then K is ( 𝒯 , n ) -projective; the ring R is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -semihereditary...

The category of groupoid graded modules

Patrik Lundström (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce the abelian category R-gr of groupoid graded modules and give an answer to the following general question: If U: R-gr → R-mod denotes the functor which associates to any graded left R-module M the underlying ungraded structure U(M), when does either of the following two implications hold: (I) M has property X ⇒ U(M) has property X; (II) U(M) has property X ⇒ M has property X? We treat the cases when X is one of the properties: direct summand, free, finitely generated, finitely presented,...

The component quiver of a self-injective artin algebra

Alicja Jaworska, Andrzej Skowroński (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that the component quiver Σ A of a connected self-injective artin algebra A of infinite representation type is fully cyclic, that is, every finite set of components of the Auslander-Reiten quiver Γ A of A lies on a common oriented cycle in Σ A .

The existence of envelopes

Edgar E. Enochs, Overtoun M. G. Jenda, Jinzhong Xu (1993)

Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 240