Displaying 81 – 100 of 626

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Cartan matrices of selfinjective algebras of tubular type

Jerzy Białkowski (2004)

Open Mathematics

The Cartan matrix of a finite dimensional algebra A is an important combinatorial invariant reflecting frequently structural properties of the algebra and its module category. For example, one of the important features of the modular representation theory of finite groups is the nonsingularity of Cartan matrices of the associated group algebras (Brauer’s theorem). Recently, the class of all tame selfinjective algebras having simply connected Galois coverings and the stable Auslander-Reiten quiver...

CB-degenerations and rigid degenerations of algebras

Adam Hajduk (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The main aim of this note is to prove that if k is an algebraically closed field and a k-algebra A₀ is a CB-degeneration of a finite-dimensional k-algebra A₁, then there exists a factor algebra Ā₀ of A₀ of the same dimension as A₁ such that Ā₀ is a CB-degeneration of A₁. As a consequence, Ā₀ is a rigid degeneration of A₁, provided A₀ is basic.

Classification of discrete derived categories

Grzegorz Bobiński, Christof Geiß, Andrzej Skowroński (2004)

Open Mathematics

The main aim of the paper is to classify the discrete derived categories of bounded complexes of modules over finite dimensional algebras.

Cluster categories for algebras of global dimension 2 and quivers with potential

Claire Amiot (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let k be a field and A a finite-dimensional k -algebra of global dimension 2 . We construct a triangulated category 𝒞 A associated to A which, if  A is hereditary, is triangle equivalent to the cluster category of A . When 𝒞 A is Hom-finite, we prove that it is 2-CY and endowed with a canonical cluster-tilting object. This new class of categories contains some of the stable categories of modules over a preprojective algebra studied by Geiss-Leclerc-Schröer and by Buan-Iyama-Reiten-Scott. Our results also...

Cluster characters for 2-Calabi–Yau triangulated categories

Yann Palu (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Starting from an arbitrary cluster-tilting object T in a 2-Calabi–Yau triangulated category over an algebraically closed field, as in the setting of Keller and Reiten, we define, for each object L , a fraction X ( T , L ) using a formula proposed by Caldero and Keller. We show that the map taking L to X ( T , L ) is a cluster character, i.e. that it satisfies a certain multiplication formula. We deduce that it induces a bijection, in the finite and the acyclic case, between the indecomposable rigid objects of the cluster...

Coalgebras, comodules, pseudocompact algebras and tame comodule type

Daniel Simson (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We develop a technique for the study of K-coalgebras and their representation types by applying a quiver technique and topologically pseudocompact modules over pseudocompact K-algebras in the sense of Gabriel [17], [19]. A definition of tame comodule type and wild comodule type for K-coalgebras over an algebraically closed field K is introduced. Tame and wild coalgebras are studied by means of their finite-dimensional subcoalgebras. A weak version of the tame-wild dichotomy theorem of Drozd [13]...

Cohen-Macaulay modules over two-dimensional graph orders

Klaus Roggenkamp (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For a split graph order ℒ over a complete local regular domain 𝒪 of dimension 2 the indecomposable Cohen-Macaulay modules decompose - up to irreducible projectives - into a union of the indecomposable Cohen-Macaulay modules over graph orders of type •—• . There, the Cohen-Macaulay modules filtered by irreducible Cohen-Macaulay modules are in bijection to the homomorphisms ϕ : 𝒪 L ( μ ) 𝒪 L ( ν ) under the bi-action of the groups ( G l ( μ , 𝒪 L ) , G l ( ν , 𝒪 L ) ) , where 𝒪 L = 𝒪 / π for a prime π. This problem strongly depends on the nature of 𝒪 L . If 𝒪 L is regular,...

Combinatorial topology and the global dimension of algebras arising in combinatorics

Stuart Margolis, Franco Saliola, Benjamin Steinberg (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In a highly influential paper, Bidigare, Hanlon and Rockmore showed that a number of popular Markov chains are random walks on the faces of a hyperplane arrangement. Their analysis of these Markov chains took advantage of the monoid structure on the set of faces. This theory was later extended by Brown to a larger class of monoids called left regular bands. In both cases, the representation theory of these monoids played a prominent role. In particular, it was used to compute the spectrum of the...

Component clusters for acyclic quivers

Sarah Scherotzke (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The theory of Caldero-Chapoton algebras of Cerulli Irelli, Labardini-Fragoso and Schröer (2015) leads to a refinement of the notions of cluster variables and clusters, via so-called component clusters. We compare component clusters to classical clusters for the cluster algebra of an acyclic quiver. We propose a definition of mutation between component clusters and determine the mutation relations of component clusters for affine quivers. In the case of a wild quiver, we provide bounds for the size...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 626