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On weakened ( α , δ ) -skew Armendariz rings

Alireza Majdabadi Farahani, Mohammad Maghasedi, Farideh Heydari, Hamidagha Tavallaee (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this note, for a ring endomorphism α and an α -derivation δ of a ring R , the notion of weakened ( α , δ ) -skew Armendariz rings is introduced as a generalization of α -rigid rings and weak Armendariz rings. It is proved that R is a weakened ( α , δ ) -skew Armendariz ring if and only if T n ( R ) is weakened ( α ¯ , δ ¯ ) -skew Armendariz if and only if R [ x ] / ( x n ) is weakened ( α ¯ , δ ¯ ) -skew Armendariz ring for any positive integer n .

Présentation jordanienne de l'algèbre de Weyl A₂

J. Alev, F. Dumas (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let k be a commutative field. For any a,b∈ k, we denote by J a , b ( k ) the deformation of the 2-dimensional Weyl algebra over k associated with the Jordanian Hecke symmetry with parameters a and b. We prove that: (i) any J a , b ( k ) can be embedded in the usual Weyl algebra A₂(k), and (ii) J a , b ( k ) is isomorphic to A₂(k) if and only if a = b.

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