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Displaying 121 – 140 of 218

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The Penrose transform and Clifford analysis

Bureš, J., Souček, V. (1991)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0742.00067.]The Penrose transform is always based on a diagram of homogeneous spaces. Here the case corresponding to the orthogonal group S O ( 2 n , C ) is studied by means of Clifford analysis [see F. Brackx, R. Delanghe and F. Sommen: Clifford analysis (1982; Zbl 0529.30001)], and is presented a simple approach using the Dolbeault realization of the corresponding cohomology groups and a simple calculus with differential forms (the Cauchy integral formula for solutions of...

The quantum duality principle

Fabio Gavarini (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The “quantum duality principle” states that the quantization of a Lie bialgebra – via a quantum universal enveloping algebra (in short, QUEA) – also provides a quantization of the dual Lie bialgebra (through its associated formal Poisson group) – via a quantum formal series Hopf algebra (QFSHA) — and, conversely, a QFSHA associated to a Lie bialgebra (via its associated formal Poisson group) yields a QUEA for the dual Lie bialgebra as well; more in detail, there exist functors 𝒬 𝒰 𝒜 𝒬 𝒮 𝒜 and 𝒬 𝒮 𝒜 𝒬 𝒰 𝒜 , inverse to...

The relation between the dual and the adjoint Radon transforms

Cnops, J. (1991)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0742.00067.]Let P m be the set of hyperplanes σ : x , θ = p in m , S m - 1 the unit sphere of m , E m the exterior of the unit ball, T m the set of hyperplanes not passing through the unit ball, R f ( θ , p ) = σ f ( x ) d x the Radon transform, R # g ( x ) = S m - 1 g ( θ , x , θ ) d S θ its dual. R as operator from L 2 ( m ) to L 2 ( S m - 1 ) × ) is a closable, densely defined operator, R * denotes the operator given by ( R * g ) ( x ) = R # g ( x ) if the integral exists for x m a.e. Then the closure of R * is the adjoint of R . The author shows that the Radon transform and its dual can be linked by two operators...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 218