Displaying 561 – 580 of 1461

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On localizations of torsion abelian groups

José L. Rodríguez, Jérôme Scherer, Lutz Strüngmann (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

As is well known, torsion abelian groups are not preserved by localization functors. However, Libman proved that the cardinality of LT is bounded by | T | whenever T is torsion abelian and L is a localization functor. In this paper we study localizations of torsion abelian groups and investigate new examples. In particular we prove that the structure of LT is determined by the structure of the localization of the primary components of T in many cases. Furthermore, we completely characterize the relationship...

On locally finite groups and the centralizers of automorphisms

Pavel Shumyatsky (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Sia p un primo, e A un gruppo abeliano elementare di ordine p 2 che agisce sul p -gruppo localmente finito G . Supponiamo che esista un intero positivo m tale che C G a , C G b , , C G b m = 1 per ogni a , b A . In questo articolo si dimostra che G è nilpotente, con classe di nilpotenza limitata da una funzione che dipende solo da p e m .

On locally finite minimal non-solvable groups

Ahmet Arıkan, Sezgin Sezer, Howard Smith (2010)

Open Mathematics

In the present work we consider infinite locally finite minimal non-solvable groups, and give certain characterizations. We also define generalizations of the centralizer to establish a result relevant to infinite locally finite minimal non-solvable groups.

On locally graded barely transitive groups

Cansu Betin, Mahmut Kuzucuoğlu (2013)

Open Mathematics

We show that a barely transitive group is totally imprimitive if and only if it is locally graded. Moreover, we obtain the description of a barely transitive group G for the case G has a cyclic subgroup 〈x〉 which intersects non-trivially with all subgroups and for the case a point stabilizer H of G has a subgroup H 1 of finite index in H satisfying the identity χ(H 1) = 1, where χ is a multi-linear commutator of weight w.

On loops that are abelian groups over the nucleus and Buchsteiner loops

Piroska Csörgö (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We give sufficient and in some cases necessary conditions for the conjugacy closedness of Q / Z ( Q ) provided the commutativity of Q / N . We show that if for some loop Q , Q / N and Inn Q are abelian groups, then Q / Z ( Q ) is a CC loop, consequently Q has nilpotency class at most three. We give additionally some reasonable conditions which imply the nilpotency of the multiplication group of class at most three. We describe the structure of Buchsteiner loops with abelian inner mapping groups.

On loops whose inner permutations commute

Piroska Csörgö, Tomáš Kepka (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Multiplication groups of (finite) loops with commuting inner permutations are investigated. Special attention is paid to the normal closure of the abelian permutation group.

On low-complexity bi-infinite words and their factors

Alex Heinis (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper we study bi-infinite words on two letters. We say that such a word has stiffness k if the number of different subwords of length n equals n + k for all n sufficiently large. The word is called k -balanced if the numbers of occurrences of the symbol a in any two subwords of the same length differ by at most k . In the present paper we give a complete description of the class of bi-infinite words of stiffness k and show that the number of subwords of length n from this class has growth order...

On Macbeath-Singerman symmetries of Belyi surfaces with PSL(2,p) as a group of automorphisms

Ewa Tyszkowska (2003)

Open Mathematics

The famous theorem of Belyi states that the compact Riemann surface X can be defined over the number field if and only if X can be uniformized by a finite index subgroup Γ of a Fuchsian triangle group Λ. As a result such surfaces are now called Belyi surfaces. The groups PSL(2,q),q=p n are known to act as the groups of automorphisms on such surfaces. Certain aspects of such actions have been extensively studied in the literature. In this paper, we deal with symmetries. Singerman showed, using acertain...

Currently displaying 561 – 580 of 1461