P-equivalence de groupes nilpotents.
In this paper we introduce perfectly supportable semigroups and prove that they are σ-discrete in each Hausdorff shiftinvariant topology. The class of perfectly supportable semigroups includes each semigroup S such that FSym(X) ⊂ S ⊂ FRel(X) where FRel(X) is the semigroup of finitely supported relations on an infinite set X and FSym(X) is the group of finitely supported permutations of X.
The aim is to investigate the behaviour of (homomorphic images of) periodic linear groups which are factorized by mutually permutable subgroups. Mutually permutable subgroups have been extensively investigated in the finite case by several authors, among which, for our purposes, we only cite J. C. Beidleman and H. Heineken (2005). In a previous paper of ours (see M. Ferrara, M. Trombetti (2022)) we have been able to generalize the first main result of J. C. Beidleman, H. Heineken (2005) to periodic...
We classify the maximal irreducible periodic subgroups of PGL(q, ), where is a field of positive characteristic p transcendental over its prime subfield, q = p is prime, and × has an element of order q. That is, we construct a list of irreducible subgroups G of GL(q, ) containing the centre ×1q of GL(q, ), such that G/ ×1q is a maximal periodic subgroup of PGL(q, ), and if H is another group of this kind then H is GL(q, )-conjugate to a group in the list. We give criteria for determining...