Displaying 81 – 100 of 389

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Generalized symmetry classes of tensors

Gholamreza Rafatneshan, Yousef Zamani (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let V be a unitary space. For an arbitrary subgroup G of the full symmetric group S m and an arbitrary irreducible unitary representation Λ of G , we study the generalized symmetry class of tensors over V associated with G and Λ . Some important properties of this vector space are investigated.

Générateurs indépendants pour les systèmes d'isométries de dimension un

Damien Gaboriau (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Un système fini d’isométries partielles de R est dit à générateurs indépendants si les composés non triviaux fixent au plus un point. On décrit un procédé simple et naturel pour obtenir des générateurs indépendants, sans modifier les orbites, pour tout système sans composante minimale homogène : en prenant la restriction de chaque générateur à un certain sous-intervalle de son domaine. Un système avec une composante minimale homogène ne possède pas de générateurs indépendants.

Generating countable sets of surjective functions

J. D. Mitchell, Y. Péresse (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that any countable set of surjective functions on an infinite set of cardinality ℵₙ with n ∈ ℕ can be generated by at most n²/2 + 9n/2 + 7 surjective functions of the same set; and there exist n²/2 + 9n/2 + 7 surjective functions that cannot be generated by any smaller number of surjections. We also present several analogous results for other classical infinite transformation semigroups such as the injective functions, the Baer-Levi semigroups, and the Schützenberger monoids.

Generating quasigroups for cryptographic applications

Czesław Kościelny (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A method of generating a practically unlimited number of quasigroups of a (theoretically) arbitrary order using the computer algebra system Maple 7 is presented. This problem is crucial to cryptography and its solution permits to implement practical quasigroup-based endomorphic cryptosystems. The order of a quasigroup usually equals the number of characters of the alphabet used for recording both the plaintext and the ciphertext. From the practical viewpoint, the most important quasigroups are of...

Generation of finite groups by nilpotent subgroups

E. Damian (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We study the generation of finite groups by nilpotent subgroups and in particular we investigate the structure of groups which cannot be generated by n nilpotent subgroups and such that every proper quotient can be generated by n nilpotent subgroups. We obtain some results about the structure of these groups and a lower bound for their orders.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 389