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Homology theory in the alternative set theory I. Algebraic preliminaries

Jaroslav Guričan (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The notion of free group is defined, a relatively wide collection of groups which enable infinite set summation (called commutative π -group), is introduced. Commutative π -groups are studied from the set-theoretical point of view and from the point of view of free groups. Commutativity of the operator which is a special kind of inverse limit and factorization, is proved. Tensor product is defined, commutativity of direct product (also a free group construction and tensor product) with the special...

Homomorphisms between A -projective Abelian groups and left Kasch-rings

Ulrich F. Albrecht, Jong-Woo Jeong (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Glaz and Wickless introduced the class G of mixed abelian groups A which have finite torsion-free rank and satisfy the following three properties: i) A p is finite for all primes p , ii) A is isomorphic to a pure subgroup of Π p A p , and iii) H o m ( A , t A ) is torsion. A ring R is a left Kasch ring if every proper right ideal of R has a non-zero left annihilator. We characterize the elements A of G such that E ( A ) / t E ( A ) is a left Kasch ring, and discuss related results.

Homomorphisms from the unitary group to the general linear group over complex number field and applications

Chong-Guang Cao, Xian Zhang (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let M n be the multiplicative semigroup of all n × n complex matrices, and let U n and G L n be the n –degree unitary group and general linear group over complex number field, respectively. We characterize group homomorphisms from U n to G L m when n > m 1 or n = m 3 , and thereby determine multiplicative homomorphisms from U n to M m when n > m 1 or n = m 3 . This generalize Hochwald’s result in [Lin. Alg. Appl.  212/213:339-351(1994)]: if f : U n M n is a spectrum–preserving multiplicative homomorphism, then there exists a matrix R in G L n such that f ( A ) = R A R for...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 144