Displaying 101 – 120 of 325

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Polyabelian loops and Boolean completeness

François Lemieux, Cristopher Moore, Denis Thérien (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider the question of which loops are capable of expressing arbitrary Boolean functions through expressions of constants and variables. We call this property Boolean completeness. It is a generalization of functional completeness, and is intimately connected to the computational complexity of various questions about expressions, circuits, and equations defined over the loop. We say that a loop is polyabelian if it is an iterated affine quasidirect product of Abelian groups; polyabelianness...

Polycyclic groups with automorphisms of order four

Tao Xu, Fang Zhou, Heguo Liu (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we study the structure of polycyclic groups admitting an automorphism of order four on the basis of Neumann’s result, and prove that if α is an automorphism of order four of a polycyclic group G and the map ϕ : G G defined by g ϕ = [ g , α ] is surjective, then G contains a characteristic subgroup H of finite index such that the second derived subgroup H ' ' is included in the centre of H and C H ( α 2 ) is abelian, both C G ( α 2 ) and G / [ G , α 2 ] are abelian-by-finite. These results extend recent and classical results in the literature....

Polyèdres finis de dimension 2 à courbure 0 et de rang 2

Sylvain Barré (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On définit localement la notion de polyèdre de rang deux pour un polyèdre fini de dimension deux à courbure négative ou nulle. On montre que le revêtement universel d’un tel espace est soit le produit de deux arbres, soit un immeuble de Tits euclidien de rang deux.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 325