Displaying 141 – 160 of 859

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The combinatorial derivation and its inverse mapping

Igor Protasov (2013)

Open Mathematics

Let G be a group and P G be the Boolean algebra of all subsets of G. A mapping Δ: P G → P G defined by Δ(A) = {g ∈ G: gA ∩ A is infinite} is called the combinatorial derivation. The mapping Δ can be considered as an analogue of the topological derivation d: P X→ P X, A ↦ A d, where X is a topological space and A d is the set of all limit points of A. We study the behaviour of subsets of G under action of Δ and its inverse mapping ∇. For example, we show that if G is infinite and I is an ideal in...

The commingling of commutativity and associativity in Bol loops

Jon D. Phillips (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Commutative Moufang loops were amongst the first (nonassociative) loops to be investigated; a great deal is known about their structure. More generally, the interplay of commutativity and associativity in (not necessarily commutative) Moufang loops is well known, e.g., the many associator identities and inner mapping identities involving commutant elements, especially those involving the exponent three. Here, we investigate all of this in the variety of Bol loops.

The computation of Stiefel-Whitney classes

Pierre Guillot (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The cohomology ring of a finite group, with coefficients in a finite field, can be computed by a machine, as Carlson has showed. Here “compute” means to find a presentation in terms of generators and relations, and involves only the underlying (graded) ring. We propose a method to determine some of the extra structure: namely, Stiefel-Whitney classes and Steenrod operations. The calculations are explicitly carried out for about one hundred groups (the results can be consulted on the Internet).Next,...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 859