Displaying 461 – 480 of 493

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Openly factorizable spaces and compact extensions of topological semigroups

Taras O. Banakh, Svetlana Dimitrova (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that the semigroup operation of a topological semigroup S extends to a continuous semigroup operation on its Stone-Čech compactification β S provided S is a pseudocompact openly factorizable space, which means that each map f : S Y to a second countable space Y can be written as the composition f = g p of an open map p : X Z onto a second countable space Z and a map g : Z Y . We present a spectral characterization of openly factorizable spaces and establish some properties of such spaces.

Orbit projections of proper Lie groupoids as fibrations

Armin Rainer (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝒢 M be a source locally trivial proper Lie groupoid such that each orbit is of finite type. The orbit projection M M / 𝒢 is a fibration if and only if 𝒢 M is regular.

Orbit spaces, Quillen's Theorem A and Minami's formula for compact Lie groups

Assaf Libman (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let G be a compact Lie group. We present a criterion for the orbit spaces of two G-spaces to be homotopy equivalent and use it to obtain a quick proof of Webb’s conjecture for compact Lie groups. We establish two Minami type formulae which present the p-localised spectrum Σ B G as an alternating sum of p-localised spectra Σ B H for subgroups H of G. The subgroups H are calculated from the collections of the non-trivial elementary abelian p-subgroups of G and the non-trivial p-radical subgroups of G. We...

Currently displaying 461 – 480 of 493