Displaying 81 – 100 of 246

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Extensions of Borel Measurable Maps and Ranges of Borel Bimeasurable Maps

Petr Holický (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We prove an abstract version of the Kuratowski extension theorem for Borel measurable maps of a given class. It enables us to deduce and improve its nonseparable version due to Hansell. We also study the ranges of not necessarily injective Borel bimeasurable maps f and show that some control on the relative classes of preimages and images of Borel sets under f enables one to get a bound on the absolute class of the range of f. This seems to be of some interest even within separable spaces.

Filters and sequences

Sławomir Solecki (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider two situations which relate properties of filters with properties of the limit operators with respect to these filters. In the first one, we show that the space of sequences having limits with respect to a Π 3 0 filter is itself Π 3 0 and therefore, by a result of Dobrowolski and Marciszewski, such spaces are topologically indistinguishable. This answers a question of Dobrowolski and Marciszewski. In the second one, we characterize universally measurable filters which fulfill Fatou’s lemma.

Finite-tight sets

Liviu Florescu (2007)

Open Mathematics

We introduce two notions of tightness for a set of measurable functions - the finite-tightness and the Jordan finite-tightness with the aim to extend certain compactness results (as biting lemma or Saadoune-Valadier’s theorem of stable compactness) to the unbounded case. These compactness conditions highlight their utility when we look for some alternatives to Rellich-Kondrachov theorem or relaxed lower semicontinuity of multiple integrals. Finite-tightness locates the great growths of a set of...

Fractal star bodies

Irmina Herburt, Maria Moszyńska, Dorette Pronk (2009)

Banach Center Publications

In 1989 R. Arnold proved that for every pair (A,B) of compact convex subsets of ℝ there is an Euclidean isometry optimal with respect to L₂ metric and if f₀ is such an isometry, then the Steiner points of f₀(A) and B coincide. In the present paper we solve related problems for metrics topologically equivalent to the Hausdorff metric, in particular for L p metrics for all p ≥ 2 and the symmetric difference metric.

From weak to strong types of L E 1 -convergence by the Bocce criterion

Erik Balder, Maria Girardi, Vincent Jalby (1994)

Studia Mathematica

Necessary and sufficient oscillation conditions are given for a weakly convergent sequence (resp. relatively weakly compact set) in the Bochner-Lebesgue space E 1 to be norm convergent (resp. relatively norm compact), thus extending the known results for 1 . Similarly, necessary and sufficient oscillation conditions are given to pass from weak to limited (and also to Pettis-norm) convergence in E 1 . It is shown that tightness is a necessary and sufficient condition to pass from limited to strong convergence....

Fuzzy equality and convergences for F -observables in F -quantum spaces

Ferdinand Chovanec, František Kôpka (1991)

Applications of Mathematics

We introduce a fuzzy equality for F -observables on an F -quantum space which enables us to characterize different kinds of convergences, and to represent them by pointwise functions on an appropriate measurable space.

Ideal limits of sequences of continuous functions

Miklós Laczkovich, Ireneusz Recław (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that for every Borel ideal, the ideal limits of sequences of continuous functions on a Polish space are of Baire class one if and only if the ideal does not contain a copy of Fin × Fin. In particular, this is true for F σ δ ideals. In the proof we use Borel determinacy for a game introduced by C. Laflamme.

Infinite Iterated Function Systems: A Multivalued Approach

K. Leśniak (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We prove that a compact family of bounded condensing multifunctions has bounded condensing set-theoretic union. Compactness is understood in the sense of the Chebyshev uniform semimetric induced by the Hausdorff distance and condensity is taken w.r.t. the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness. As a tool, we present an estimate for the measure of an infinite union. Then we apply our result to infinite iterated function systems.

Inserting measurable functions precisely

Javier Gutiérrez García, Tomasz Kubiak (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A family of subsets of a set is called a σ -topology if it is closed under arbitrary countable unions and arbitrary finite intersections. A σ -topology is perfect if any its member (open set) is a countable union of complements of open sets. In this paper perfect σ -topologies are characterized in terms of inserting lower and upper measurable functions. This improves upon and extends a similar result concerning perfect topologies. Combining this characterization with a σ -topological version of Katětov-Tong...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 246