Displaying 121 – 140 of 565

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Some applications of subordination theorems associated with fractional q -calculus operator

Wafaa Y. Kota, Rabha Mohamed El-Ashwah (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica

Using the operator 𝔇 q , ϱ m ( λ , l ) , we introduce the subclasses 𝔜 q , ϱ * m ( l , λ , γ ) and 𝔎 q , ϱ * m ( l , λ , γ ) of normalized analytic functions. Among the results investigated for each of these function classes, we derive some subordination results involving the Hadamard product of the associated functions. The interesting consequences of some of these subordination results are also discussed. Also, we derive integral means results for these classes.

Some aspects of the local theory of generalized Dhombres functional equations in the complex domain

Jörg Tomaschek (2012)

ESAIM: Proceedings

We study the generalized Dhombres functional equation f(zf(z)) = ϕ(f(z)) in the complex domain. The function ϕ is given and we are looking for solutions f with f(0) = w0 and w0 is a primitive root of unity of order l ≥ 2. All formal solutions for this case are described in this work, for the situation where ϕ can be transformed into a function which is linearizable and local analytic in a neighbourhood of zero we also show...

Some Banach spaces of Dirichlet series

Maxime Bailleul, Pascal Lefèvre (2015)

Studia Mathematica

The Hardy spaces of Dirichlet series, denoted by p (p ≥ 1), have been studied by Hedenmalm et al. (1997) when p = 2 and by Bayart (2002) in the general case. In this paper we study some L p -generalizations of spaces of Dirichlet series, particularly two families of Bergman spaces, denoted p and p . Each could appear as a “natural” way to generalize the classical case of the unit disk. We recover classical properties of spaces of analytic functions: boundedness of point evaluation, embeddings between...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 565