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Factorization of rational matrix functions and difference equations

J.S. Rodríguez, L.F. Campos (2013)

Concrete Operators

In the beginning of the twentieth century, Plemelj introduced the notion of factorization of matrix functions. The matrix factorization finds applications in many fields such as in the diffraction theory, in the theory of differential equations and in the theory of singular integral operators. However, the explicit formulas for the factors of the factorization are known only in a few classes of matrices. In the present paper we consider a new approach to obtain the factorization of a rational matrix...

Failure of averaging on multiply connected domains

David E. Barrett (1990)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We show that for every open Riemann surface X with non-abelian fundamental group there is a multiple-valued function f on X such that the fiberwise convex hull of the graph of f fails to contain the graph of a single-valued holomorphic function on X .

Failure of Nehari's theorem for multiplicative Hankel forms in Schatten classes

Ole Fredrik Brevig, Karl-Mikael Perfekt (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Ortega-Cerdà-Seip demonstrated that there are bounded multiplicative Hankel forms which do not arise from bounded symbols. On the other hand, when such a form is in the Hilbert-Schmidt class ₂, Helson showed that it has a bounded symbol. The present work investigates forms belonging to the Schatten classes between these two cases. It is shown that for every p > ( 1 - l o g π / l o g 4 ) - 1 there exist multiplicative Hankel forms in the Schatten class p which lack bounded symbols. The lower bound on p is in a certain sense optimal...

Fejér–Riesz factorizations and the structure of bivariate polynomials orthogonal on the bi-circle

Jeffrey S. Geronimo, Plamen Iliev (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We give a complete characterization of the positive trigonometric polynomials Q ( θ , ϕ ) on the bi-circle, which can be factored as Q ( θ , ϕ ) = | p ( e i θ , e i ϕ ) | 2 where p ( z , w ) is a polynomial nonzero for | z | = 1 and | w | 1 . The conditions are in terms of recurrence coefficients associated with the polynomials in lexicographical and reverse lexicographical ordering orthogonal with respect to the weight 1 4 π 2 Q ( θ , ϕ ) on the bi-circle. We use this result to describe how specific factorizations of weights on the bi-circle can be translated into identities relating...

Fekete-Szegö Inequality for Universally Prestarlike Functions

Shanmugam, T., Lourthu Mary, J. (2010)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

MSC 2010: 30C45The universally prestarlike functions of order α ≤ 1 in the slit domain Λ = C [1;∞) have been recently introduced by S. Ruscheweyh. This notion generalizes the corresponding one for functions in the unit disk Δ (and other circular domains in C). In this paper, we obtain the coefficient inequalities and the Fekete-Szegö inequality for such functions.

Fekete–Szegö Problem for a New Class of Analytic Functions Defined by Using a Generalized Differential Operator

M. K. Aouf, R. M. El-Ashwah, A. A. M. Hassan, A. H. Hassan (2013)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In this paper, we obtain Fekete–Szegö inequalities for a generalized class of analytic functions f ( z ) 𝒜 for which 1 + 1 b z D α , β , λ , δ n f ( z ) ' D α , β , λ , δ n f ( z ) - 1 ( α , β , λ , δ 0 ; β > α ; λ > δ ; b * ; n 0 ; z U ) lies in a region starlike with respect to 1 and is symmetric with respect to the real axis.

Fekete-Szegő problem for subclasses of generalized uniformly starlike functions with respect to symmetric points

Nihat Yagmur, Halit Orhan (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

The authors obtain the Fekete-Szegő inequality (according to parameters s and t in the region s 2 + s t + t 2 < 3 , s t and s + t 2 , or in the region s 2 + s t + t 2 > 3 , s t and s + t 2 ) for certain normalized analytic functions f ( z ) belonging to k -UST λ , μ n ( s , t , γ ) which satisfy the condition ( s - t ) z ( D λ , μ n f ( z ) ) ' D λ , μ n f ( s z ) - D λ , μ n f ( t z ) > k ( s - t ) z ( D λ , μ n f ( z ) ) ' D λ , μ n f ( s z ) - D λ , μ n f ( t z ) - 1 + γ , z 𝒰 . Also certain...

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