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Ideals in big Lipschitz algebras of analytic functions

Thomas Vils Pedersen (2004)

Studia Mathematica

For 0 < γ ≤ 1, let Λ γ be the big Lipschitz algebra of functions analytic on the open unit disc which satisfy a Lipschitz condition of order γ on ̅. For a closed set E on the unit circle and an inner function Q, let J γ ( E , Q ) be the closed ideal in Λ γ consisting of those functions f Λ γ for which (i) f = 0 on E, (ii) | f ( z ) - f ( w ) | = o ( | z - w | γ ) as d(z,E),d(w,E) → 0, (iii) f / Q Λ γ . Also, for a closed ideal I in Λ γ , let E I = z ∈ : f(z) = 0 for every f ∈ I and let Q I be the greatest common divisor of the inner parts of non-zero functions in I....

Idéaux fermés de certaines algèbres de Beurling et application aux opérateurs à spectre dénombrable

Cyril Agrafeuil (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We denote by the unit circle and by the unit disc of ℂ. Let s be a non-negative real and ω a weight such that ω ( n ) = ( 1 + n ) s (n ≥ 0) and the sequence ( ω ( - n ) / ( 1 + n ) s ) n 0 is non-decreasing. We define the Banach algebra A ω ( ) = f ( ) : | | f | | ω = n = - + | f ̂ ( n ) | ω ( n ) < + . If I is a closed ideal of A ω ( ) , we set h ( I ) = z : f ( z ) = 0 ( f I ) . We describe all closed ideals I of A ω ( ) such that h⁰(I) is at most countable. A similar result is obtained for closed ideals of the algebra A s ( ) = f A ω ( ) : f ̂ ( n ) = 0 ( n < 0 ) without inner factor. Then we use this description to establish a link between operators with countable spectrum and interpolating sets...

Ideáux fermés d'une algèbre de Beurling régulière.

Eric Decreux (1998)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The structure of closed ideals of a regular algebra containing the classical A∞ is considered. Several division and approximation results are proved and a characterization of those ideals whose intersection with A∞ is not {0} is obtained. A complete description of the ideals with countable hull is given, with applications to synthesis of hyperfunctions.

Immediate and Virtual Basins of Newton’s Method for Entire Functions

Sebastian Mayer, Dierk Schleicher (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We investigate the well known Newton method to find roots of entire holomorphic functions. Our main result is that the immediate basin of attraction for every root is simply connected and unbounded. We also introduce “virtual immediate basins” in which the dynamics converges to infinity; we prove that these are simply connected as well.

In a shadow of the RH: Cyclic vectors of Hardy spaces on the Hilbert multidisc

Nikolai Nikolski (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Completeness of a dilation system ( ϕ ( n x ) ) n 1 on the standard Lebesgue space L 2 ( 0 , 1 ) is considered for 2-periodic functions ϕ . We show that the problem is equivalent to an open question on cyclic vectors of the Hardy space H 2 ( 𝔻 2 ) on the Hilbert multidisc 𝔻 2 . Several simple sufficient conditions are exhibited, which include however practically all previously known results (Wintner; Kozlov; Neuwirth, Ginsberg, and Newman; Hedenmalm, Lindquist, and Seip). For instance, each of the following conditions implies cyclicity...

Inclusion and neighborhood properties of certain subclasses of p -valent functions of complex order defined by convolution

Rabha El-Ashwah, Mohamed Aouf, S. El-Deeb (2011)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

In this paper we introduce and investigate three new subclasses of p-valent analytic functions by using the linear operator Dmλ,p(f * g)(z). The various results obtained here for each of these function classes include coefficient bounds, distortion inequalities and associated inclusion relations for (n, θ)-neighborhoods of subclasses of analytic and multivalent functions with negative coefficients, which are defined by means of a non-homogenous differential equation.

Inclusion properties of certain subclass of analytic functions defined by multiplier transformations

Mohamed Aouf, Rabha El-Ashwah (2009)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

Let A denote the class of analytic functions with normalization [...] in the open unit disk [...] Set [...] and define [...] in terms of the Hadamard product [...] In this paper, we introduce several new subclasses of analytic functions defined by means of the operator [...] [...] .Inclusion properties of these classes and the classes involving the generalized Libera integral operator are also considered.

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