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L p inequalities for the growth of polynomials with restricted zeros

Nisar A. Rather, Suhail Gulzar, Aijaz A. Bhat (2022)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let P ( z ) = ν = 0 n a ν z ν be a polynomial of degree at most n which does not vanish in the disk | z | < 1 , then for 1 p < and R > 1 , Boas and Rahman proved P ( R z ) p ( R n + z p / 1 + z p ) P p . In this paper, we improve the above inequality for 0 p < by involving some of the coefficients of the polynomial P ( z ) . Analogous result for the class of polynomials P ( z ) having no zero in | z | > 1 is also given.

La plus petite majorante surharmonique et son rapport avec l'existence des fonctions entières de type exponentiel jouant le rôle de multiplicateurs

Paul Koosis (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Étant donné une fonction w ( x ) 0 paire et continue, on se demande si une fonction entière φ ( z ) 0 de type exponentiel a existe telle que φ ( x ) exp w ( x ) soit borné pour - &lt; x &lt; . L’existence d’une telle φ est équivalente à celle d’une fonction croissante ρ ( t ) sur [ 0 , ) telle que ρ ( t ) = θ ( t ) , que ρ ( t ) t a π pour t , et que w ( x ) + 0 log | 1 - x 2 t 2 | d ρ ( t ) C te , x R , pourvu que w ( x ) satisfasse à une condition de régularité assez peu restrictive, décrite au début de l’article. On démontre que l’existence d’une telle ρ est à son tour équivalente à ce que la fonction 1 π - | z | | z - t | 2 w ( t ) d t - a | z | admette une majorante surharmonique...

Lacunary series in Q K spaces

Hasi Wulan, Kehe Zhu (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Under mild conditions on the weight function K we characterize lacunary series in the so-called K spaces.

Lagrange approximation in Banach spaces

Lisa Nilsson, Damián Pinasco, Ignacio M. Zalduendo (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Starting from Lagrange interpolation of the exponential function e z in the complex plane, and using an integral representation formula for holomorphic functions on Banach spaces, we obtain Lagrange interpolating polynomials for representable functions defined on a Banach space E . Given such a representable entire funtion f : E , in order to study the approximation problem and the uniform convergence of these polynomials to f on bounded sets of E , we present a sufficient growth condition on the interpolating...

Landau's theorem for p-harmonic mappings in several variables

Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy, X. Wang (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A 2p-times continuously differentiable complex-valued function f = u + iv in a domain D ⊆ ℂ is p-harmonic if f satisfies the p-harmonic equation Δ p f = 0 , where p (≥ 1) is a positive integer and Δ represents the complex Laplacian operator. If Ω ⊂ ℂⁿ is a domain, then a function f : Ω m is said to be p-harmonic in Ω if each component function f i (i∈ 1,...,m) of f = ( f , . . . , f m ) is p-harmonic with respect to each variable separately. In this paper, we prove Landau and Bloch’s theorem for a class of p-harmonic mappings f from...

Latent roots of lambda-matrices, Kronecker sums and matricial norms

José S. L. Vitória (1980)

Aplikace matematiky

Kronecker sums and matricial norms are used in order to give a method for determining upper bounds for A where A is a latent root of a lambda-matrix. In particular, upper bounds for z are obtained where z is a zero of a polynomial with complex coefficients. The result is compared with other known bounds for z .

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