Displaying 521 – 540 of 1782

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Fonctions biharmoniques adjointes

Emmanuel P. Smyrnelis (2010)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The study of the equation (L₂L₁)*h = 0 or of the equivalent system L*₂h₂ = -h₁, L*₁h₁ = 0, where L j ( j = 1 , 2 ) is a second order elliptic differential operator, leads us to the following general framework: Starting from a biharmonic space, for example the space of solutions (u₁,u₂) of the system L₁u₁ = -u₂, L₂u₂ = 0, L j ( j = 1 , 2 ) being elliptic or parabolic, and by means of its Green pairs, we construct the associated adjoint biharmonic space which is in duality with the initial one.

Fonctions harmoniques et fonctions finement harmoniques

Bent Fuglede (1974)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On montre d’abord que toute fonction finement [hyper]harmonique dans un ouvert du plan R 2 est [hyper]harmonique au sens ordinaire. On utilise pour cela un nouveau principe de minimum pour un domaine borné, U , du plan, avec des limites fines à la frontière, mais sans aucune hypothèse de minoration pour la fonction hyperharmonique donnée, u , dans U . Puis on étend ce dernier principe au cas de U finement ouvert (et borné) et u finement hyperharmonique. Aucun de ces résultats ne s’étend aux espaces R k ...

Fonctions séparément analytiques

Jean Saint Raymond (1990)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On étudie les fonctions de deux variables réelles qui sont séparément analytiques sur un ouvert du plan. On montre que ces fonctions sont analytiques en tout point du domaine de définition hors d’un fermé de ce domaine dont les projections sur chacun des deux axes de coordonnées sont des ensembles polaires. Inversempent, pour tout tel fermé F , on construit une fonction séparément analytique dont le domaine d’analyticité est le complémentaire de F .

Fourier problem with bounded Baire data

Miroslav Dont (1997)

Mathematica Bohemica

The Fourier problem on planar domains with time moving boundary is considered using integral equations. Solvability of those integral equations in the space of bounded Baire functions as well as the convergence of the corresponding Neumann series are proved.

Fractional Derivatives and Fractional Powers as Tools in Understanding Wentzell Boundary Value Problems for Pseudo-Differential Operators Generating Markov Processes

Jacob, N., Knopova, V. (2005)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 31C25, 35S99, 47D07.Wentzell boundary value problem for pseudo-differential operators generating Markov processes but not satisfying the transmission condition are not well understood. Studying fractional derivatives and fractional powers of such operators gives some insights in this problem. Since an L^p – theory for such operators will provide a helpful tool we investigate the L^p –domains of certain model operators.* This work is partially supported...

Fractional Hardy inequality with a remainder term

Bartłomiej Dyda (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove a Hardy inequality for the fractional Laplacian on the interval with the optimal constant and additional lower order term. As a consequence, we also obtain a fractional Hardy inequality with the best constant and an extra lower order term for general domains, following the method of M. Loss and C. Sloane [J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010)].

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 1782