Displaying 821 – 840 of 1782

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Non-subharmonicity of the Hausdorff distance

Edoardo Vesentini (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si dimostra con esempi che la distanza di Hausdorff-Carathéodory fra i valori di funzioni multivoche, analitiche secondo Oka, non è subarmonica.

Norm inequalities for potential-type operators.

Sagun Chanillo, Jan-Olov Strömberg, Richard L. Wheeden (1987)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The purpose of this paper is to derive norm inequalities for potentials of the formTf(x) = ∫(Rn) f(y)K(x,y)dy,     x ∈ Rn,when K is a Kernel which satisfies estimates like those that hold for the Green function associated with the degenerate elliptic equations studied in [3] and [4].

Normal spaces and the Lusin-Menchoff property

Pavel Pyrih (1997)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study the relation between the Lusin-Menchoff property and the F σ -“semiseparation” property of a fine topology in normal spaces. Three examples of normal topological spaces having the F σ -“semiseparation” property without the Lusin-Menchoff property are given. A positive result is obtained in the countable compact space.

Nouvelles formulations intégrales pour les problèmes de diffraction d’ondes

David P. Levadoux, Bastiaan L. Michielsen (2004)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We present an integral equation method for solving boundary value problems of the Helmholtz equation in unbounded domains. The method relies on the factorisation of one of the Calderón projectors by an operator approximating the exterior admittance (Dirichlet to Neumann) operator of the scattering obstacle. We show how the pseudo-differential calculus allows us to construct such approximations and that this yields integral equations without internal resonances and being well-conditioned at all frequencies....

Nouvelles formulations intégrales pour les problèmes de diffraction d'ondes

David P. Levadoux, Bastiaan L. Michielsen (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present an integral equation method for solving boundary value problems of the Helmholtz equation in unbounded domains. The method relies on the factorisation of one of the Calderón projectors by an operator approximating the exterior admittance (Dirichlet to Neumann) operator of the scattering obstacle. We show how the pseudo-differential calculus allows us to construct such approximations and that this yields integral equations without internal resonances and being well-conditioned at all...

Numerical analysis of the general biharmonic problem by the finite element method

Jiří Hřebíček (1982)

Aplikace matematiky

The present paper deals with solving the general biharmonic problem by the finite element method using curved triangular finit C 1 -elements introduced by Ženíšek. The effect of numerical integration is analysed in the case of mixed boundary conditions and sufficient conditions for the uniform V O h -ellipticity are found.

Numerical solution of inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators with discontinuous potentials

Liubov Efremova, Gerhard Freiling (2013)

Open Mathematics

We consider Sturm-Liouville differential operators on a finite interval with discontinuous potentials having one jump. As the main result we obtain a procedure of recovering the location of the discontinuity and the height of the jump. Using our result, we apply a generalized Rundell-Sacks algorithm of Rafler and Böckmann for a more effective reconstruction of the potential and present some numerical examples.

Numerical treatment of 3-dimensional potential problem

Vladimír Drápalík, Vladimír Janovský (1988)

Aplikace matematiky

Assuming an incident wave to be a field source, we calculate the field potential in a neighborhood of an inhomogeneous body. This problem which has been formulated in 𝐑 3 can be reduced to a bounded domain. Namely, a boundary condition for the potential is formulated on a sphere. Then the potential satisfies a well posed boundary value problem in a ball containing the body. A numerical approximation is suggested and its convergence is analyzed.

Currently displaying 821 – 840 of 1782