Sur les fonctions propres positives des variétés de Cartan-Hadamard.
Let be a gauge function satisfying certain mid regularity conditions. A (signed) finite Borel measure is called -Zygmund if there exists a positive constant such that for any pair of adjacent cubes of the same size. Similarly, is called an - symmetric measure if there exists a positive constant such that for any pair of adjacent cubes of the same size, . We characterize Zygmund and symmetric measures in terms of their harmonic extensions. Also, we show that the quadratic condition...
Some symmetry problems are formulated and solved. New simple proofs are given for some symmetry problems studied earlier. One of the results is as follows: if a single-layer potential of a surface, homeomorphic to a sphere, with a constant charge density, is equal to c/|x| for all sufficiently large |x|, where c > 0 is a constant, then the surface is a sphere.
0. Introduction. Nous donnons ici une étude systématique des systèmes doublement orthogonaux "de Bergman" et leurs applications à certains aspects de l'analyse pluricomplexe: espaces de fonctions holomorphes, fonctions séparément analytiques. C'est en quelque sorte un article de synthèse. On y trouve cependant des démonstrations détaillées qui n'ont paru nulle part ailleurs.