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Isometries and automorphisms of the spaces of spinors.

F. J. Hervés, J. M. Isidro (1992)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

The relationships between the JB*-triple structure of a complex spin factor S and the structure of the Hilbert space H associated to S are discussed. Every surjective linear isometry L of S can be uniquely represented in the form L(x) = mu.U(x) for some conjugation commuting unitary operator U on H and some mu belonging to C, |mu|=1. Automorphisms of S are characterized as those linear maps (continuity not assumed) that preserve minimal tripotents in S and the orthogonality relations among them.

Iterates and the boundary behavior of the Berezin transform

Jonathan Arazy, Miroslav Engliš (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let μ be a measure on a domain Ω in n such that the Bergman space of holomorphic functions in L 2 ( Ω , μ ) possesses a reproducing kernel K ( x , y ) and K ( x , x ) > 0 x Ω . The Berezin transform associated to μ is the integral...

Itérées d’une famille analytique d’applications holomorphes et points fixes sur un produit

Larbi Belkhchicha, Jean-Pierre Vigué (2003)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In this paper, we consider an analytic family of holomorphic mappings f : M × X X and the sequence f n of iterates of f . If the sequence is not compactly divergent, there exists an unique retraction ρ ( m , . ) adherent to the sequence f n ( m , . ) . If X is a strictly convex taut domain in C n and if the image Λ ( ρ ( m , . ) ) of ρ ( m , . ) is of dimension 1 , we prove that Λ ( ρ ( m , . ) ) does not depend from m M . We apply this result to the existence of fixed points of holomorphic mappings on the product of two bounded strictly convex domains.

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