Displaying 221 – 240 of 606

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A propos du problème des arcs de Nash

Camille Plénat (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soit = N i la décomposition canonique de l’espace des arcs passant par une singularité normale de surface. Dans cet article, on propose deux nouvelles conditions qui si elles sont vérifiées permettent de montrer que N i n’est pas inclus dans N j . On applique ces conditions pour donner deux nouvelles preuves du problème de Nash pour les singularités sandwich minimales.

A pseudo-trigonometry related to Ptolemy's theorem and the hyperbolic geometry of punctured spheres

Joachim A. Hempel (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A hyperbolic geodesic joining two punctures on a Riemann surface has infinite length. To obtain a useful distance-like quantity we define a finite pseudo-length of such a geodesic in terms of the hyperbolic length of its surrounding geodesic loop. There is a well defined angle between two geodesics meeting at a puncture, and our pseudo-trigonometry connects these angles with pseudo-lengths. We state and prove a theorem resembling Ptolemy's classical theorem on cyclic quadrilaterals and three general...

A pure smoothness condition for Radó’s theorem for α -analytic functions

Abtin Daghighi, Frank Wikström (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let Ω n be a bounded, simply connected -convex domain. Let α + n and let f be a function on Ω which is separately C 2 α j - 1 -smooth with respect to z j (by which we mean jointly C 2 α j - 1 -smooth with respect to Re z j , Im z j ). If f is α -analytic on Ω f - 1 ( 0 ) , then f is α -analytic on Ω . The result is well-known for the case α i = 1 , 1 i n , even when f a priori is only known to be continuous.

A radial Phragmén-Lindelöf estimate for plurisubharmonic functions on algebraic varieties

Rüdiger Braun, Reinhold Meise, B. Taylor (1999)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

For complex algebraic varieties V, the strong radial Phragmén-Lindelöf condition (SRPL) is defined. It means that a radial analogue of the classical Phragmén-Lindelöf Theorem holds on V. Here we derive a sufficient condition for V to satisfy (SRPL), which is formulated in terms of local hyperbolicity at infinite points of V. The latter condition as well as the extension of local hyperbolicity to varieties of arbitrary codimension are introduced here for the first time. The proof of the main result...

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 606