Displaying 221 – 240 of 406

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Complex Plateau problem in non-Kähler manifolds

S. Ivashkovich (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider the complex Plateau problem for strongly pseudoconvex contours in non-Kähler manifolds. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of solution in the class of manifolds carrying pluriclosed metric forms and propose a conjecture for the general case.

Complex structures on product of circle bundles over complex manifolds

Parameswaran Sankaran, Ajay Singh Thakur (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let L ¯ i X i be a holomorphic line bundle over a compact complex manifold for i = 1 , 2 . Let S i denote the associated principal circle-bundle with respect to some hermitian inner product on L ¯ i . We construct complex structures on S = S 1 × S 2 which we refer to as scalar, diagonal, and linear types. While scalar type structures always exist, the more general diagonal but non-scalar type structures are constructed assuming that L ¯ i are equivariant ( * ) n i -bundles satisfying some additional conditions. The linear type complex structures...

Complex structures on S O g M

Tommaso Pacini (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Data una varietà Riemanniana orientata M , g , il fibrato principale S O g M di basi ortonormali positive su M , g ha una parallelizzazione canonica dipendente dalla connessione di Levi-Civita. Questo fatto suggerisce la definizione di una classe molto naturale di strutture quasi-complesse su M , g . Dopo le necessarie definizioni, discutiamo qui l'integrabilità di queste strutture, esprimendola in termini della struttura Riemanniana g .

Complex symmetry of Toeplitz operators on the weighted Bergman spaces

Xiao-He Hu (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give a concrete description of complex symmetric monomial Toeplitz operators T z p z ¯ q on the weighted Bergman space A 2 ( Ω ) , where Ω denotes the unit ball or the unit polydisk. We provide a necessary condition for T z p z ¯ q to be complex symmetric. When p , q 2 , we prove that T z p z ¯ q is complex symmetric on A 2 ( Ω ) if and only if p 1 = q 2 and p 2 = q 1 . Moreover, we completely characterize when monomial Toeplitz operators T z p z ¯ q on A 2 ( 𝔻 n ) are J U -symmetric with the n × n symmetric unitary matrix U .

Complex tangential characterizations of Hardy-Sobolev spaces of holomorphic functions.

Sandrine Grellier (1993)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Let Ω be a C∞-domain in Cn. It is well known that a holomorphic function on Ω behaves twice as well in complex tangential directions (see [GS] and [Kr] for instance). It follows from well known results (see [H], [RS]) that some converse is true for any kind of regular functions when Ω satisfies(P)    The real tangent space is generated by the Lie brackets of real and imaginary parts of complex tangent vectorsIn this paper we are interested in the behavior of holomorphic Hardy-Sobolev functions in...

Complex vector fields and hypoelliptic partial differential operators

Andrea Altomani, C. Denson Hill, Mauro Nacinovich, Egmont Porten (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove a subelliptic estimate for systems of complex vector fields under some assumptions that generalize the essential pseudoconcavity for CR manifolds, that was first introduced by two of the authors, and the Hörmander’s bracket condition for real vector fields.Applications are given to prove the hypoellipticity of first order systems and second order partial differential operators.Finally we describe a class of compact homogeneous CR manifolds for which the distribution of ( 0 , 1 ) vector fields satisfies...

Complex-symmetric spaces

Ralf Lehmann (1989)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

A compact complex space X is called complex-symmetric with respect to a subgroup G of the group Aut 0 ( X ) , if each point of X is isolated fixed point of an involutive automorphism of G . It follows that G is almost G 0 -homogeneous. After some examples we classify normal complex-symmetric varieties with G 0 reductive. It turns out that X is a product of a Hermitian symmetric space and a compact torus embedding satisfying some additional conditions. In the smooth case these torus embeddings are classified using...

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 406