Displaying 381 – 400 of 607

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On the existence of parabolic actions in convex domains of k + 1

François Berteloot, Ninh Van Thu (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove that the one-parameter group of holomorphic automorphisms induced on a strictly geometrically bounded domain by a biholomorphism with a model domain is parabolic. This result is related to the Greene-Krantz conjecture and more generally to the classification of domains having a non compact automorphisms group. The proof relies on elementary estimates on the Kobayashi pseudo-metric.

On the Faraut-Koranyi hypergeometric functions in rank two

Miroslav Engliš, Genkai Zhang (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We give a complete description of the boundary behaviour of the generalized hypergeometric functions, introduced by Faraut and Koranyi, on Cartan domains of rank 2. The main tool is a new integral representation for some spherical polynomials, which may be of independent interest.

On the fiber of the compound of a real analytic function by a projection

Alain Jacquemard (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Sia f : R m R k con m k 1 una funzione analitica. Se il luogo critico di f è compatto, esiste una fibrazione C localmente triviale associata ai livelli f . Supponiamo k 2 e sia π k la proiezione x 1 , , x k - 1 , x k x 1 , , x k - 1 , x k . Sotto una condizione sul luogo critico di f ~ = π k f esiste anche una fibrazione C localmente triviale associata ai livelli di f ~ . Siano F e F ~ le fibre rispettitive, e I l'intervallo unità reale. Dimostriamo qui che F ~ è omeomorfa al prodotto F × I . Nel caso di polinomi studiamo criteri effettivi. Diamo inoltre un'applicazione del risultato...

On the finiteness of Pythagoras numbers of real meromorphic functions

Francesca Acquistapace, Fabrizio Broglia, José F. Fernando, Jesús M. Ruiz (2010)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We consider the 17th Hilbert Problem for global real analytic functions in a modified form that involves infinite sums of squares. Then we prove a local-global principle for a real global analytic function to be a sum of squares of global real meromorphic functions. We deduce that an affirmative solution to the 17th Hilbert Problem for global real analytic functions implies the finiteness of the Pythagoras number of the field of global real meromorphic functions, hence that of the field of real...

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 607