Displaying 361 – 380 of 607

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On the Dirichlet problem in the Cegrell classes

Rafał Czyż, Per Åhag (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let μ be a non-negative measure with finite mass given by φ ( d d c ψ ) , where ψ is a bounded plurisubharmonic function with zero boundary values and φ L q ( ( d d c ψ ) ) , φ ≥ 0, 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞. The Dirichlet problem for the complex Monge-Ampère operator with the measure μ is studied.

On the Djrbashian kernel of a Siegel domain

Elisabetta Barletta, Sorin Dragomir (1998)

Studia Mathematica

We establish an inversion formula for the M. M. Djrbashian A. H. Karapetyan integral transform (cf. [6]) on the Siegel domain Ω n = ζ n : ϱ ( ζ ) > 0 , ϱ ( ζ ) = I m ( ζ 1 ) - | ζ ' | 2 . We build a family of Kähler metrics of constant holomorphic curvature whose potentials are the ϱ α -Bergman kernels, α > -1, (in the sense of Z. Pasternak-Winiarski [20] of Ω n . We build an anti-holomorphic embedding of Ω n in the complex projective Hilbert space ( H α 2 ( Ω n ) ) and study (in connection with work by A. Odzijewicz [18] the corresponding transition probability amplitudes....

On the dynamics of extendable polynomial endomorphisms of ℝ²

Ewa Ligocka (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We extend the results obtained in our previous paper, concerning quasiregular polynomials of algebraic degree two, to the case of polynomial endomorphisms of ℝ² whose algebraic degree is equal to their topological degree. We also deal with some other classes of polynomial endomorphisms extendable to ℂℙ².

On the embedding and compactification of q -complete manifolds

Ionuţ Chiose (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We characterize intrinsically two classes of manifolds that can be properly embedded into spaces of the form N N - q . The first theorem is a compactification theorem for pseudoconcave manifolds that can be realized as X ¯ ( X ¯ N - q ) where X ¯ N is a projective variety. The second theorem is an embedding theorem for holomorphically convex manifolds into 1 × N .

On the embedding of 1-convex manifolds with 1-dimensional exceptional set

Lucia Alessandrini, Giovanni Bassanelli (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we show that a 1-convex (i.e., strongly pseudoconvex) manifold X , with 1- dimensional exceptional set S and finitely generated second homology group H 2 ( X , ) , is embeddable in m × n if and only if X is Kähler, and this case occurs only when S does not contain any effective curve which is a boundary.

On the Euler characteristic of the links of a set determined by smooth definable functions

Krzysztof Jan Nowak (2008)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The purpose of this paper is to carry over to the o-minimal settings some results about the Euler characteristic of algebraic and analytic sets. Consider a polynomially bounded o-minimal structure on the field ℝ of reals. A ( C ) smooth definable function φ: U → ℝ on an open set U in ℝⁿ determines two closed subsets W := u ∈ U: φ(u) ≤ 0, Z := u ∈ U: φ(u) = 0. We shall investigate the links of the sets W and Z at the points u ∈ U, which are well defined up to a definable homeomorphism. It is proven...

On the Euler characteristic of the real Milnor fibres of an analytic function

Piotr Dudziński (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The paper is concerned with the relations between real and complex topological invariants of germs of real-analytic functions. We give a formula for the Euler characteristic of the real Milnor fibres of a real-analytic germ in terms of the Milnor numbers of appropriate functions.

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 607