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A class of non-rational surface singularities with bijective Nash map

Camille Plénat, Patrick Popescu-Pampu (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Let ( 𝒮 , 0 ) be a germ of complex analytic normal surface. On its minimal resolution, we consider the reduced exceptional divisor E and its irreducible components E i , i I . The Nash map associates to each irreducible component C k of the space of arcs through 0 on 𝒮 the unique component of E cut by the strict transform of the generic arc in C k . Nash proved its injectivity and asked if it was bijective. As a particular case of our main theorem, we prove that this is the case if E · E i < 0 for any  i I .

A new proof of desingularization over fields of characteristic zero.

Santiago Encinas, Orlando Villamayor (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We present a proof of embedded desingularization for closed subschemes which does not make use of Hilbert-Samuel function and avoids Hironaka's notion of normal flatness (see also [171 page 224). Given a subscheme defined by equations, we prove that embedded desingularization can be achieved by a sequence of monoidal transformations; where the law of transformation on the equations defining the subscheme is simpler then that used in Hironaka 's procedure. This is done by showing that desingularization...

A propos du problème des arcs de Nash

Camille Plénat (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soit = N i la décomposition canonique de l’espace des arcs passant par une singularité normale de surface. Dans cet article, on propose deux nouvelles conditions qui si elles sont vérifiées permettent de montrer que N i n’est pas inclus dans N j . On applique ces conditions pour donner deux nouvelles preuves du problème de Nash pour les singularités sandwich minimales.

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