Displaying 601 – 620 of 2026

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Factorial study of a certain parametric distribution.

A. Y. Yehia, K. I. Hamouda, Assem A. Tharwat (1991)

Trabajos de Estadística

The general theory of factorial analysis of continuous correspondance (FACC) is used to investigate the binary case of a continuous probability measure defined as:T(x,y) = ayn + b, (x,y) ∈ D & n ∈ N = 0, elsewhereWhere n ≥ 0, a and b are the parameters of this distribution, while the domain D is a variable trapezoidal inscribed in the unit square. The trapezoid depends on two parameters α and β.This problem is solved. As special cases of our problem we obtain a complete solution for...

Finite monodromy of Pochhammer equation

Yoshishige Haraoka (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We consider the monodromy group G of the Pochhammer differential equation 𝒫 . Let 𝒫 p be the reduce equation modulo a prime p . Then we show that G is finite if and only if 𝒫 p has a full set of polynomial solutions for almost all primes p .

Flensted-Jensen's functions attached to the Landau problem on the hyperbolic disc

Zouhaïr Mouayn (2007)

Applications of Mathematics

We give an explicit expression of a two-parameter family of Flensted-Jensen’s functions Ψ μ , α on a concrete realization of the universal covering group of U ( 1 , 1 ) . We prove that these functions are, up to a phase factor, radial eigenfunctions of the Landau Hamiltonian on the hyperbolic disc with a magnetic field strength proportional to μ , and corresponding to the eigenvalue 4 α ( α - 1 ) .

Formule de Gutzmer pour la complexification d'une espace Riemannien symétrique

Jacques Faraut (2002)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

A Gutzmer formula for the complexification of a Riemann symmetric space. We consider a complex manifold Ω and a real Lie group G of holomorphic automorphisms of Ω . The question we study is, for a holomorphic function f on Ω , to evaluate the integral of f 2 over a G -orbit by using the harmonic analysis of G . When Ω is an annulus in the complex plane and G the rotation group, it is solved by a classical formula which is sometimes called Gutzmer’s formula. We establish a generalization of it when Ω is...

Currently displaying 601 – 620 of 2026