Displaying 2321 – 2340 of 9312

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Existence and iteration of positive solutions for a singular two-point boundary value problem with a p -Laplacian operator

De-xiang Ma, Weigao Ge, Zhan-Ji Gui (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In the paper, we obtain the existence of symmetric or monotone positive solutions and establish a corresponding iterative scheme for the equation ( φ p ( u ' ) ) ' + q ( t ) f ( u ) = 0 , 0 < t < 1 , where φ p ( s ) : = | s | p - 2 s , p > 1 , subject to nonlinear boundary condition. The main tool is the monotone iterative technique. Here, the coefficient q ( t ) may be singular at t = 0 , 1 .

Existence and L∞ estimates of some Mountain-Pass type solutions

José Maria Gomes (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We prove the existence of a positive solution to the BVP ( Φ ( t ) u ' ( t ) ) ' = f ( t , u ( t ) ) , u ' ( 0 ) = u ( 1 ) = 0 , imposing some conditions on Φ and f. In particular, we assume Φ ( t ) f ( t , u ) to be decreasing in t. Our method combines variational and topological arguments and can be applied to some elliptic problems in annular domains. An L bound for the solution is provided by the L norm of any test function with negative energy.

Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of damped vibration problems with impulsive effects

Jianwen Zhou, Yongkun Li (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Some sufficient conditions on the existence and multiplicity of solutions for the damped vibration problems with impulsive effects ⎧ u”(t) + g(t)u’(t) + f(t,u(t)) = 0, a.e. t ∈ [0,T ⎨ u(0) = u(T) = 0 ⎩ Δ u ' ( t j ) = u ' ( t j - u ' ( t ¯ j ) = I j ( u ( t j ) ) , j = 1,...,p, are established, where t = 0 < t < < t p < t p + 1 = T , g ∈ L¹(0,T;ℝ), f: [0,T] × ℝ → ℝ is continuous, and I j : , j = 1,...,p, are continuous. The solutions are sought by means of the Lax-Milgram theorem and some critical point theorems. Finally, two examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of our results....

Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a fractional p -Laplacian problem of Kirchhoff type via Krasnoselskii’s genus

Ghania Benhamida, Toufik Moussaoui (2018)

Mathematica Bohemica

We use the genus theory to prove the existence and multiplicity of solutions for the fractional p -Kirchhoff problem - M Q | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | p | x - y | N + p s d x d y p - 1 ( - Δ ) p s u = λ h ( x , u ) in Ω , u = 0 on N Ω , where Ω is an open bounded smooth domain of N , p > 1 , N > p s with s ( 0 , 1 ) fixed, Q = 2 N ( C Ω × C Ω ) , λ > 0 is a numerical parameter, M and h are continuous functions.

Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a p ( x ) -Kirchhoff type problem via variational techniques

A. Mokhtari, Toufik Moussaoui, D. O’Regan (2015)

Archivum Mathematicum

This paper discusses the existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of p ( x ) -Kirchhoff type problems with Dirichlet boundary data of the following form - a + b Ω 1 p ( x ) | u | p ( x ) d x div ( | u | p ( x ) - 2 u ) = f ( x , u ) , i n Ω u = 0 o n Ω , where Ω is a smooth open subset of N and p C ( Ω ¯ ) with N < p - = inf x Ω p ( x ) p + = sup x Ω p ( x ) < + , a , b are positive constants and f : Ω ¯ × is a continuous function. The proof is based on critical point theory and variable exponent Sobolev space theory.

Currently displaying 2321 – 2340 of 9312