Displaying 1341 – 1360 of 1662

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Optimal Control of a Cancer Cell Model with Delay

C. Collins, K.R. Fister, M. Williams (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper, we look at a model depicting the relationship of cancer cells in different development stages with immune cells and a cell cycle specific chemotherapy drug. The model includes a constant delay in the mitotic phase. By applying optimal control theory, we seek to minimize the cost associated with the chemotherapy drug and to minimize the number of tumor cells. Global existence of a solution has been shown for this model and existence...

Optimal control of impulsive stochastic evolution inclusions

N.U. Ahmed (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

In this paper, we consider a class of infinite dimensional stochastic impulsive evolution inclusions driven by vector measures. We use stochastic vector measures as controls adapted to an increasing family of complete sigma algebras and prove the existence of optimal controls.

Optimal control of nonlinear evolution equations

Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Nikolaos Yannakakis (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

In this paper, first we consider parametric control systems driven by nonlinear evolution equations defined on an evolution triple of spaces. The parametres are time-varying probability measures (Young measures) defined on a compact metric space. The appropriate optimization problem is a minimax control problem, in which the system analyst minimizes the maximum cost (risk). Under general hypotheses on the data we establish the existence of optimal controls. Then we pass to nonparametric...

Optimal Convective Heat-Transport

Josef Dalík, Oto Přibyl (2011)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

The one-dimensional steady-state convection-diffusion problem for the unknown temperature y ( x ) of a medium entering the interval ( a , b ) with the temperature y min and flowing with a positive velocity v ( x ) is studied. The medium is being heated with an intensity corresponding to y max - y ( x ) for a constant y max > y min . We are looking for a velocity v ( x ) with a given average such that the outflow temperature y ( b ) is maximal and discuss the influence of the boundary condition at the point b on the “maximizing” function v ( x ) .

Optimal design of turbines with an attached mass

Boris P. Belinskiy, C. Maeve McCarthy, Terry J. Walters (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We minimize, with respect to shape, the moment of inertia of a turbine having the given lowest eigenfrequency of the torsional oscillations. The necessary conditions of optimality in conjunction with certain physical parameters admit a unique optimal design.

Optimal design of turbines with an attached mass

Boris P. Belinskiy, C. Maeve McCarthy, Terry J. Walters (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We minimize, with respect to shape, the moment of inertia of a turbine having the given lowest eigenfrequency of the torsional oscillations. The necessary conditions of optimality in conjunction with certain physical parameters admit a unique optimal design.

Optimal feedback control proportional to the system state can be found for non-causal descriptor systems

Galina Kurina (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Optimal feedback control depending only on the system state is constructed for a control problem by the non-causal descriptor system for which optimal feedback control depending on state derivatives was considered in the paper (Meuller, 1998). To this end, a non-symmetric solution of the algebraic operator Riccati equation is used.

Optimal LQ-feedback control for a class of first-order hyperbolic distributed parameter systems

Ilyasse Aksikas, Joseph J. Winkin, Denis Dochain (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The Linear-Quadratic (LQ) optimal control problem is studied for a class of first-order hyperbolic partial differential equation models by using a nonlinear infinite-dimensional (distributed parameter) Hilbert state-space description. First the dynamical properties of the linearized model around some equilibrium profile are studied. Next the LQ-feedback operator is computed by using the corresponding operator Riccati algebraic equation whose solution is obtained via a related matrix Riccati differential...

Currently displaying 1341 – 1360 of 1662