Displaying 181 – 200 of 383

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Nonlocal systems of BVPs with asymptotically superlinear boundary conditions

Christopher S. Goodrich (2012)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we consider a coupled system of second-order boundary value problems with nonlocal, nonlinear boundary conditions, and we examine conditions under which such problems will have at least one positive solution. By imposing only an asymptotic growth condition on the nonlinear boundary functions, we are able to achieve generalizations over existing works and, in particular, we allow for the nonlocal terms to be able to be realized as Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrals possessing signed Borel...

Nonsymmetric solutions of a nonlinear boundary value problem

Sámuel Peres (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the existence and multiplicity of positive nonsymmetric and sign-changing nonantisymmetric solutions of a nonlinear second order ordinary differential equation with symmetric nonlinear boundary conditions, where both of the nonlinearities are of power type. The given problem has already been studied by other authors, but the number of its positive nonsymmetric and sign-changing nonantisymmetric solutions has been determined only under some technical conditions. It was a long-standing open...

On a class of m -point boundary value problems

Rodica Luca (2012)

Mathematica Bohemica

We investigate the existence of positive solutions for a nonlinear second-order differential system subject to some m -point boundary conditions. The nonexistence of positive solutions is also studied.

On a singular multi-point third-order boundary value problem on the half-line

Zakia Benbaziz, Smail Djebali (2020)

Mathematica Bohemica

We establish not only sufficient but also necessary conditions for existence of solutions to a singular multi-point third-order boundary value problem posed on the half-line. Our existence results are based on the Krasnosel’skii fixed point theorem on cone compression and expansion. Nonexistence results are proved under suitable a priori estimates. The nonlinearity f = f ( t , x , y ) which satisfies upper and lower-homogeneity conditions in the space variables x , y may be also singular at time t = 0 . Two examples of applications...

On a two-point boundary value problem for second order singular equations

Alexander Lomtatidze, P. Torres (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The problem on the existence of a positive in the interval ] a , b [ solution of the boundary value problem u ' ' = f ( t , u ) + g ( t , u ) u ' ; u ( a + ) = 0 , u ( b - ) = 0 is considered, where the functions f and g ] a , b [ × ] 0 , + [ satisfy the local Carathéodory conditions. The possibility for the functions f and g to have singularities in the first argument (for t = a and t = b ) and in the phase variable (for u = 0 ) is not excluded. Sufficient and, in some cases, necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of that problem are established.

On existence theorems for semilinear equations and applications

Fang Zhang, Feng Wang (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Existence results for semilinear operator equations without the assumption of normal cones are obtained by the properties of a fixed point index for A-proper semilinear operators established by Cremins. As an application, the existence of positive solutions for a second order m-point boundary value problem at resonance is considered.

On positive solutions for a nonlinear boundary value problem with impulse

Huseyin Bereketoglu, Aydin Huseynov (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we study nonlinear second order differential equations subject to separated linear boundary conditions and to linear impulse conditions. Sign properties of an associated Green’s function are investigated and existence results for positive solutions of the nonlinear boundary value problem with impulse are established. Upper and lower bounds for positive solutions are also given.

On some boundary value problems for second order nonlinear differential equations

Zuzana Došlá, Mauro Marini, Serena Matucci (2012)

Mathematica Bohemica

We investigate two boundary value problems for the second order differential equation with p -Laplacian ( a ( t ) Φ p ( x ' ) ) ' = b ( t ) F ( x ) , t I = [ 0 , ) , where a , b are continuous positive functions on I . We give necessary and sufficient conditions which guarantee the existence of a unique (or at least one) positive solution, satisfying one of the following two boundary conditions: i ) x ( 0 ) = c > 0 , lim t x ( t ) = 0 ; ii ) x ' ( 0 ) = d < 0 , lim t x ( t ) = 0 .

On the existence of multiple solutions for a nonlocal BVP with vector-valued response

Andrzej Nowakowski, Aleksandra Orpel (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The existence of positive solutions for a nonlocal boundary-value problem with vector-valued response is investigated. We develop duality and variational principles for this problem. Our variational approach enables us to approximate solutions and give a measure of a duality gap between the primal and dual functional for minimizing sequences.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 383